
Hill Climbing and Simulated Annealing package manager developed during Artifical Intelligence subject.

Primary LanguageJava


Azamon a is a fictional company that organize the package delivery of a certain city. It has some organization issues, so we resolved that using classic Aritifical Intellinge algorithms. This project was made during the subject Artificial Intelligence in the Bachelor's Degree in Computer's Engineering of the Computer School of Barcelona of the Politechnical University of Catalonia.


To solve the organization issues we used the Simulated Annealing and the Hill Climbing algorithm. In order to run both algorithms we implemented problem generators and heuristics.


  • In the folder src\IA\Gneradores you can find the problem generators.
  • In the folder src\IA\Heuristicos you can find the algorithm heuristics.
  • In the folder src\IA\Experimentos you can find different scenarios in which we ran our algorithms, modifying the different parameters, problems and heuristics. The results of these experiments are located in the results folder.


Documentation is located in Documentación Azamon.pdf.