United Twilight Souls is a beat-em-up game adventure where you must overcome all the corrupted enemies and free the forest from the darkness.
The Release should contain all needed files to run the game.
In order to run the game inside the Unity editor you will need:
- To ensure that Blender is installed to import some mesh files.
- To ensure that the current and only loaded scene is RootScene.
This game is based on a past project towards which I contributed, Twinlight Souls.
Twinlight Souls was developed during the Master in Advanced Programming for AAA Video Games and the Master in Animation & Digital Arts for AAA Video Games by a team composed by 21 people. The game was developed in an in-house engine also developed during the Masters.
Almost all assets and mechanics were conceived during the development of Twinlight Souls by the team.
I ported a reimagined version of that game to Unity to showcase my skills in the engine. The whole port was done by myself.