
Locusts Performance Test with Wordpress

Primary LanguagePython


Docker Locust Performance Test with Wordpress

  • Locust is an open source loading test tool where users behavior can be simulated with python code.


  • Only nginx is on accessible network to the users and locust app.
  • Wordpress and MySQL can only be accessible from nginx.


How to use

Configure containers

  • Clone this repository.
  • Run a command to create containers (locust, ngninx-proxy, wordpress and mysql).
$ cd docker
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker ps --format "table {{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}"
  • Verify if the 6 containers is up
IMAGE               STATUS              NAMES                 PORTS
nginx:latest        Up 5 minutes        nginx       >80/tcp
wordpress:latest    Up 5 minutes        docker_wordpress2_1   80/tcp
wordpress:latest    Up 5 minutes        docker_wordpress3_1   80/tcp
wordpress:latest    Up 5 minutes        docker_wordpress1_1   80/tcp
docker_locust       Up 5 minutes        docker_locust_1>8089/tcp
mysql:5.5.60        Up 5 minutes        docker_db_1           3306/tcp
  • Open http://localhost

  • Install e configure WordPress

  • Open http://localhost:8089

  • Enter the parameters on the fields Number of users to simulate and Hatch rate (users spawned/second) on form and press the button Start swarming

  • The locust will start to executing the tasks and collecting data from request and response.

Locust config (optional)

  • The locustfile.py on folder /docker/locusts/scripts/ is the script.
  • For this project I created 4 task to be tested -- Feel free to change with your own tasks.
  • max_wait = will run until time (seconds) reach the end. -- in this case will run for 15 minutes.
import os                                                                                  
import string                                                                              
import random                                                                              
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task                                                     
class SimpleTrafficRequest(TaskSet):       

    def index(self):
    def search_for_blog_post(self):
    def search_for_blog_unpost(self):

    def search_for_blog_unpost(self):

class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):         
    host = os.getenv('TARGET_URL', "http://nginx")
    task_set = SimpleTrafficRequest                            
    min_wait = 5000
    max_wait = 15000
    #stop_timeout = 100
