Serialize an HTML Form to a JavaScript Object, supporting nested attributes and arrays.
- 0
- 0
#130 opened by llm163520 - 5
Doesn't work with ASP.NET MVC naming conventions
#129 opened by Merenia - 4
Missing license
#73 opened by invisime - 3
Initialize form values from object
#125 opened by KES777 - 3
Empty SELECT multiple
#118 opened by fglueck - 2
Radio Buttons are not working in >3.2.0
#126 opened by MBWebTechMariusz - 3
It doesn't serialize type=file
#122 opened by bshafiei-ir - 0
#120 opened by iamkeir - 3
- 1
Versioning scheme?
#117 opened by DavidAnderson684 - 4
- 5
Provide dom element into custom type function
#109 opened by v-braun - 3
- 1
Make an es6 module?
#112 opened by oneezy - 1
Is there something wrong about array?
#110 opened by Tyxiang - 4
.serializeJSON returns undefined
#107 opened by DMCK96 - 2
Mixup between colon and semicolon
#106 opened by andrews05 - 1
Option for include parsed 0 values
#101 opened by MartinNovak83 - 2
- 5
Raise ERROR: Invalid type in value
#103 opened by devbtc - 2
Checking which input has the error?
#96 opened by orbitfum - 1
checkboxUncheckedValue not working for me
#100 opened by KammutierSpule - 2
Disabled elements are ignored?
#99 opened by SheldonSir - 1
checkboxCheckedValue option
#98 opened by esmin - 3
Remove extra spaces in serialized strings
#95 opened by jonalxh - 3
Handling array property names with dot "."
#94 opened by Zilanthius - 2
Array of nested object doesn't seem to work
#92 opened by joandvgv - 5
Nested array within an Array Object
#88 opened by randallmlough - 1
npm publish latest version
#91 opened by gpcaretti - 1
use :skip in <select> option field
#90 opened by randallmlough - 1
Django template's form field names problem
#89 opened by durdenk - 2
Feature request
#87 opened by stratboy - 2
I have a question
#84 opened by HXHuangXiang - 1
Serializing empty array field
#86 opened by zanderle - 1
parse single field
#85 opened by alexey - 3
Treat "" as null
#83 opened by JocaPC - 3
- 4
IE8 issue on 2.8.1 but fixed in 2.6.1
#78 opened by Winnerso - 2
- 2
ParseNumbers works ugly
#80 opened by Imperat - 1
Serialize every type of element
#79 opened by L4KEofFIRE - 1
Not working on tables
#77 opened by arruw - 3
Checkbox list
#76 opened by John-gecko - 1
Missing labels for releases since 2.7.2
#75 opened by invisime - 1
#72 opened by dbol55 - 1
Deserialize JSON into form
#71 opened by koder217 - 2
Checked checkbox value on
#70 opened by replay111 - 7
Serializing an Array of Objects
#69 opened by StephenEsser - 1
checkbox value is fail!
#66 opened by qq362220083