
Simple expectations for go tests

Primary LanguageGo


Expectation helpers for Go tests. Similar to testify assertions, but provides error messages that include context information without the need to add assertion messages:

func Test_AnotherCastle(t *testing.T) {
	princess := "Toad"
	Xpec(t, princess).ToBe("Peach")

running go test on this file will output:

--- FAIL: Test_AnotherCastle (0.00s)
		Xpec(t, princess).ToBe("Peach")
		but "Toad" is not "Peach"

The error message includes the code line that is testing the expectation, which shows variable names like princess, giving context to the error.

Expectations make clear assertions, helping to produce semantically meaningful errors, which helps developers to quickly identify the "why" of failed tests.