
JavaScript library for HTML internationalization and localization.

Primary LanguageHTML


A JavaScript library for HTML internationalization and localization.

Internationalize your HTML App with JavaScript easily. Perfect for your PhoneGap App or Angular.js App.


  • No external plugin needed
  • Dynamic language modification
  • HTML compliant

How to use it

Translator.js is a vanilla JS without external dependencies, you only have to include the library and add the tags and attributes.

  • Translation tags

Use the tag <translatag> and the attribute data-translate with the index from your dictionary.

<button><translatag data-translate="Word"></translatag></button>

If you active the HTML friendly you must write

<button data-translate="Word"></button>
  • Code example to add plugin to your HTML document:
	language : 'en',
	dictionary : dictionary,
	autostart : true,
  • Sample of dictionary variable:
var dictionary = {
	'en' : {
		'Jugar' : 'Play',
		'Traducir a' : 'Translate to',
	'es' : {
		'Jugar' : 'Jugar',
		'Traducir a' : 'Traducir a',

Dynamic use:

It's possible to update site's language dynamically.

  • addTranslation(language, kvdictionary):

This method accepts a dictionary kvdictionary and the language of translations language.

var myDict = [];
myDict['Jugar'] = 'Spielen';
myDict['Traducir a'] = 'Übersetzen in';
  • addTranslation(language, index, translation):

This method accepts a language language, an index word index and the translation of the index translation.

translator.addTranslation('fr','Traducir a','Traduire en');
  • setLanguageRun(language):

This method sets the runtime language to language.



The supported options are:

*language : Set the active language.

*dictionary : Set the dictionary variable.

*autostart : Run translation on document load (false by default).

*htmlfriendly : Make your code HTML friendly, if true don't use the tag translatag (false by default).


See the examples folder for an example of the usage.