Apala music discovery

Apala is a website that amplify your Spotify and allow you to discover music from around the worl in one click.

Project status

This project is still developement, user can login with their Spotify premium account. Users still need to have their spotify open to be able to access the music. They can now play/pause, click on previous/next and add to their favorite tracks. Some adding feature and UI are still in progress.

Project screenshot

apalaa-landing apalaa-home

Getting started

1) Sign in your App on Spotify

2) In server.js

  • a) Replace the client_id, redirect_uri and client_secret with YOURS that your got on Spotify
  • b) Run the server node server.js

Installation and Setup Instructions

Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.


npm install

To start the server:

npm start

Make sure you have your spotify web player open so you an play the music!