
Version range for Backbone invalid in bower.json, installs wrong version

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In bower.json, the Backbone version range has been defined as ">=0.9.9 <=1.3.x". The <=1.3.x part is not resolved as one would expect, and installs a 1.2.x version. So we get Backbone 1.2.3 instead of the latest 1.3.x.

You can either make it >=0.9.9 <1.4 or set the range as 0.9.9 - 1.3.x. Both work.

PR is attached. I have based the PR on v0.1.12, not on 1.0.0-pre2.

Creating a 0.1.13 release would automatically fix the issue in Marionette 2.x because it asks for Backbone.Babysitter ^0.1.0. But you'd also have to merge it into the 1.0.0 branch as well, of course.