Manage child views for your Backbone.View (and other parents)
- 0
Release 0.1.13
#82 opened by paulfalgout - 1
No reuse of child-view closing
#38 opened by rjharmon - 2
Update tag to avoid mismatch errors
#77 opened by ChromeQ - 5
Ability to children.add at optional position
#11 opened by polinom - 3
Add a new retrieve method 'findByModelId'
#21 opened by inh3 - 1
Deprecate findByIndex
#49 opened by ahumphreys87 - 0
Redundant method – `call`
#56 opened by jamesplease - 8
Remove `call` and `apply`
#57 opened by jamesplease - 2
Deprecate backbone.babysitter
#78 opened by denar90 - 1
- 1
Update peerDependencies
#75 opened by paulfalgout - 1
Update for lodash v4
#66 opened by paulfalgout - 9
- 1
A way to reach variable in loop - JSLint
#23 opened by PunkChameleon - 6
- 6
`reduce` method is not delegated
#53 opened by romanbsd - 1
Publish version 0.0.6 in Jam Package Manager
#22 opened by llange - 7
Add dependencies to bower.json
#51 opened by chirvo - 3
Version missmatch at tag v0.1.1
#44 opened by rhubarbselleven - 0
Remove JAM from package.json
#42 opened by samccone - 1
Model's index in a collection doesn't match itemView index in .children collection
#37 opened by webapps4rim - 2
Please publish this version
#34 opened by JSteunou - 0
add a bower.json file
#32 opened by samccone - 3
- 2
Apply method, IE8- bug
#4 opened by zakjan - 10
Just Storage?
#2 opened by joezimjs