ABOUT ===== Convert ppt document to pdf document using JODconverter and OpenOffice.org REQUIREMENTS ============ * OpenOffice.org v2.0.3 or higher * JODconverter (2.1.0 to have JPEG quality option) * Bash * Gettext USAGE ===== Usage: ppt2pdf.sh [options] [filename] options: -r: Recursive, -a: All file in this directory, -y: Answare YES to all question, -v: Verbose (if not use default is 1), -d: Include doc file, -e: Erase original file, -q: Ask before erasing, -h: Usage. verbose: 0 no output, 1 a little bit of info, 2 a lot of info. TODO ==== * Improve inclusion of other type of file supported by OpenOffice.org * Add pdf options (example: jpeg compression) LICENSE ======= GPL v3.0
Bash script to convert ppt document to pdf document using jodconverter