
Map for March On https://www.wearemarchon.org

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

March On map

Draw March On affilates on a Mapbox map, for embedding on March On.

Google Sheets to GeoJSON

Mapbox GL JS doesn't allow access to the entire feature set, only features in the current view (mapbox/mapbox-gl-js#2481). This map has a small number of features, and we need access to all of them to find the nearest to a user's location. Run an AWS Lambda script daily to get data from a Google sheet and save as GeoJSON on S3.

AWS Lambda function creates GeoJSON from a Google sheet:

  • get data from Google Sheets via Google API
  • get GeoJSON from public S3 URL
  • geocode locations with Mapbox's Geocoder API
  • write GeoJSON to S3

deploying to AWS Lambda

The image resizing code uses Pillow, which contains platform-specific C code. When deploying, make sure you include the Linux version in the zip file. The easiest way to do this is to create the deployment package on Linux; get a Docker container if you don't have access to a Linux box. Alternatively, you can pip install Pillow -t linux-pillow on Linux, then copy the resulting packages into the zip. You can do this just once, then freshen marchon.py as needed.

create directory for Linux deployment package

mkdir lambda-linux
mkdir lambda-linux/lambda
cp lambda/marchon.py lambda/requirements.txt lambda-linux/lambda

run Ubuntu docker container with python 3.6

docker run -v /path-to/marchon-map/lambda-linux:/lambda-linux -it --rm tomersha/docker-ubuntu-14.04-python-3.6.2

activate python 3.6, install zip, install packages, and create zip

pyenv shell 3.6.2
apt-get install zip
cd lambda-linux/lambda
pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
zip ../linux-lambda.zip -r .

upload linux-lambda.zip to AWS

GeoJSON to map

map.js uses Vue.js and Mapbox GL JS to create the map.

  • create Mapbox GL map with MarchOn's custom style
  • load GeoJSON with affiliate data from S3 (updated daily by Lambda function)
  • request user's location; if available zoom map to closest affiliate
  • zoom to closest affiliate on results from Mapbox Geocoder control
  • use Haversine formula to find closest affiliate
  • show nearest/clicked/moused over affiliate info in card to the right of map

local setup

Google sheet to GeoJSON (python)

Clone this repo and get python 3.6 set up.

Create a Google project and get API key

Set these in environment


From the lambda directory:

  • install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
  • run python test_events.py > ../events.json

map (Vue.js)

Run a local web server: python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Go http://localhost:8000 in browser

To load a different GeoJSON data file, edit const geojson = pegasus(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ragtag-marchon/${mapjs.getAttribute('data-filename')}`);` in map.js