
Paper/Algorithm reviews and Report on AI ethics

AlphaFold algorithm review

To predict with accuracy the shape of proteins will be a major step in the medical field, because it will make it much more easier to find new cures to diseases. For this purpose, the Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction (CASP) competition was created. It takes place every two year since 1994, and gather a hundred of teams. For a hundred of proteins, the shape is experimentally determined, and then compared with the results of the competitors. In 2018 and 2020, the Team of AlphaFold 1 and 2 respectively from Deepmind outperformed the competition.

Paper presentation : Chen X, Wang F, Fernandez E, Roelfsema PR. Shape perception via a high-channel-count neuroprosthesis in monkey visual cortex. Science. 2020 Dec 4

This presentation was made for the exam of Closed-loop Neurosciences of the M2 Computational Neurosciences and Neuroengineering at the University Paris-Saclay.

AI Ethics Report

Evalutation of the Societal Impacts of AI and Ethics and AI module at 'les Mines de Saint-Etienne'. The report should focus on one domain/application and present the societal impacts of AI, ethical problems that exist or could exist, and values or principles that may be attacked or supported by the technologies developed in this domain. I chose the emotional intelligence as it has applications in many domains such as health, road safety, marketing, etc... and can be a very sensitive technology.

The report is written in French.