Full Stack ND P1: Movie Trailer Website

This is the 1st project of the FullStack Web Developer Nanodegree at Udacity.

The goal for this project was to build a Movie Trailer Website where users can see my favorite movies and watch the trailers. I wrote the server side code to store a list of movie titles, poster images, and movie trailer URLs. Additionally, I added release year and directors name.


  • media.py: Class Movie definitions.
  • entertainment_center.py: This is the main file. It creates several instances of Movie.
  • fresh_tomatoes: Additional resource file used to build the HTML page.

Quick start

Several quick start options are available:

Then, run python entertainment_center.py and a browser will be launched contaning the Website containing generated index.html file.

Alternatively, you could view a live demo of this project here.


Browse the different movies and click over a movie in order to watch its trailer.

Custom changes done beyond requested features

  • Added modal fade.
  • Added radial gradient background.
  • Added transparent (rgba) hover effect.
  • Changed to Open Sans font, loaded using javascript to not block content loading.
  • Added extra Movie fields: director, year.
  • Changed generated HTML file to index.html.