kmkr is a CLI to create files prefixed by date (e.g.
). It supports creating files with any file extension,
date format and a suffix.
Because I create notes files everyday with a date prefix and I got tired of manually typing the date myself.
$ gem install kmkr
Specify the extension of the file as an argument.
$ kmkr <extension>
# Create an .md file with today's date (e.g.
$ kmkr md
# Create a .rb file with a different date format (e.g. 20151031.rb)
$ kmkr rb -f %Y%m%d
# Create a .rb file with a suffix (e.g. 31-10-2015_that_thing.rb)
$ kmkr rb -s _that_thing
, --date-format
Use a different date format for the filename prefixes. The format directives used are the ones for Ruby's strftime method.
, --directory
Set the location where the file should be saved.
, --suffix
Add a suffix to the filename
You can always get more details using kmkr -h
MIT (c) Mário Nzualo