Basic Infrastructure Project with Next.js, Node.js, and TypeORM

NextJS ReactJS Express TypeScript TypeORM Docker PostgreSQL

Vercel Deploy MIT License GitHub last commit GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

This project is a foundational infrastructure built with Next.js in the frontend and a combination of Node.js and TypeORM in the backend. It offers a solid starting point for modern web applications with a clean and efficient architecture.

Project Structure

  • Frontend: Next.js-based application in the frontend folder.
  • Backend: Node.js application using TypeORM in the backend folder.

Frontend (Next.js)

The frontend includes reusable components, global style configurations, and a default theme setup.

Backend (Node.js and TypeORM)

The backend provides a robust and scalable API, with controllers, entities, middlewares, and more.

Setup and Usage

Local Development

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the project to your local machine.

  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Run for a first-time setup.
    • Or navigate to each of frontend and backend folders and run yarn install.
  3. Configure Environment:

    • Create a .env file in the backend folder based on the .env.example template.
    • Adjust database settings (DB_TYPE, DB_HOST, etc.) according to your local database setup.
  4. Start the Application:

    • In the frontend folder, run yarn dev to start the frontend.
    • In the backend folder, run yarn dev to start the backend.

Using Docker

  1. Configure Environment for Docker:

    • Ensure DB_HOST in your .env file is set to the service name of the database in docker-compose.yml (usually db).
    • Set other environment variables as required.
  2. Start with Docker Compose:

    • Run docker-compose up in the root directory to start both frontend and backend in containers.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the project, make changes, and open a pull request.