
EBT Stats Tool

Primary LanguagePerl

EBT stats tool

NoteInfoGenerator is (apparently) dead. Here's my own attempt at it.

Deployment under apache mod_proxy

Apache configuration
Alias /ebt/ /some/path/
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /ebt/ebtst/stats !
ProxyPass /ebt/ebtst http://localhost:1234/ebt/ebtst keepalive=On
ProxyPassReverse /ebt/ebtst http://localhost:1234/ebt/ebtst
ProxyTimeout 2500
EBTST configuration
base_href = http://example.com/ebt/ebtst/
statics_dir = /some/path/ebtst/public
hypnotoad_listen = http://localhost:1234
hypnotoad_is_proxy = 1
hypnotoad_heartbeat_timeout = 2500
  • Perl 5.10

  • Chart::Gnuplot (and gnuplot, of course)

  • Config::General

  • Date::DayOfWeek

  • DateTime

  • DBD::CSV

  • DBI

  • Mojolicious

  • Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N

  • Mojolicious::Plugin::Session

  • Text::CSV


EBTST itself is licensed under the GPL version 3.

All images of flags and note values are intellectual property of the Association Européenne des EuroBillTrackers.