Planeteer Project I

The planeteer

  • This site aims to bring information you seek about your home in the universe. Search and get info about planets, stars, and glaxies, also come back every day and check out the Atronomy Picture Of The day.

Getting Started:

  • Please click through the carousel to enjoy the picture of the day also, using the search will bring the first search of the nasa image api. Click here to go to deployed site!
  • Feel Free to contribute to my project

Technologies Used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • Jquery
  • Google Fonts
  • Gnews API $
  • Nasa Images API
  • Nasa APOD API


Screen Shot Screen Shot

Future Enhancements:

  • More content
  • Wiki API
  • More data displayed and graphed
  • Blog post from nasa and/or space x
  • SpaceX API
  • Videos from nasa images library
  • about page