Create a hipchat bot that is really smart and so easy to expand.
The main scope of this ruby gem is to be used internally in your company so teams can create team rooms with their own bot to help them on their daily work, almost everything is suitable to be automated!!
hipchat_smart can create bots on demand, create shortcuts, run ruby code... just on a chat room, you can access it just from your mobile phone if you want and run those tests you forgot to run, get the results, restart a server... no limits.
$ gem install hipchat_smart
After you install it you will need just a couple of things to configure it.
Create a file like this on the folder you want:
#jid of the room that will act like the master room, main room
#names of the master users
MASTER_USERS=["Mario Ruiz Sanchez"]
require 'hipchat_smart'
settings = {
jid: '',
nick: 'bot user name',
password: "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
To enable XMPP/Jabber on your Hipchat and be able to get the jids you need, go to:
The MASTER_ROOM will be the room where you will be able to create other bots and will have special treatment.
The MASTER_USERS will have full access to everything. The names should be written exactly the same like they appear on hipchat.
I recommend to create an specific user on hipchat to be the bot so less risks.
Add the jid for that user specifying the hipchat domain in your company and finishing with /bot
For the token remember you need to generate a token on the hipchat app for the bot user. To generate the token go to:
Let's guess the file you created was called my_smart_bot.rb so, just run it:
ruby my_smart_bot.rb
After the run, it will be generated a rules file with the same name but adding _rules, in this example: my_smart_bot_rules.rb
The rules file can be edited and will be only affecting this particular bot.
You can add all the rules you want for your bot in the rules file, this is an example:
def rules(from, command, processed)
firstname = from.split(" ").first
case command
# help: echo SOMETHING
# help: repeats SOMETHING
# help:
when /echo\s(.+)/i
respond $1
# help: go to sleep
# help: it will sleep the bot for 10 seconds
# help:
when /go\sto\ssleep/i
unless @questions.keys.include?(from)
ask("do you want me to take a siesta?", command, from)
case @questions[from]
when /yes/i, /yep/i, /sure/i
respond "zZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz!"
respond "I'll be sleeping for 10 secs... just for you"
sleep 10
when /no/i, /nope/i, /cancel/i
respond "Thanks, I'm happy to be awake"
respond "I don't understand"
ask("are you sure do you want me to sleep? (yes or no)", "go to sleep", from)
unless processed
resp = %w{ what huh sorry }.sample
respond "#{firstname}: #{resp}?"
You can access the bot directly on the MASTER ROOM, on a secondary room where the bot is running and directly by opening a private chat with the bot, in this case the conversation will be just between you and the bot.
Some of the commands are available always even when the bot is not listening to you but it is running
bot help
bot what can I do?
It will display all the commands we can use What is displayed by this command is what is written on your rules file like this: #help: THE TEXT TO SHOW
Hello Bot
Also apart of Hello you can use Hallo, Hi, Hola, What's up, Hey, Zdravo, Molim, Hæ
Bot starts listening to you
Bye Bot
Also apart of Bye you can use Bæ, Good Bye, Adiós, Ciao, Bless, Bless Bless, Zbogom, Adeu
Bot stops listening to you
exit bot
quit bot
close bot
The bot stops running and also stops all the bots created from this master room
You can use this command only if you are an admin user and you are on the master room
start bot
start this bot
The bot will start to listen
You can use this command only if you are an admin user
pause bot
pause this bot
The bot will pause so it will listen only to admin commands
You can use this command only if you are an admin user
bot status
Displays the status of the bot
If on master room and admin user also it will display info about bots created
create bot on ROOM_NAME
Creates a new bot on the room specified.
hipchat_smart will create a default rules file specific for your room. You can edit it and add the rules you want. As soon as you save the file after editing it will become available on your room.
It will work only if you are on Master room
kill bot on ROOM_NAME
Kills the bot on the specified room
Only works if you are on Master room and you created that bot or you are an admin user
All the commands described on here or on your specific Rules file can be used when the bot is listening to you or on demand.
For the bot to start listening to you you need to use the "Hi bot" command or one of the aliases
Also you can call any of these commands on demand by using:
Apart of the specific commands you define on the rules file of the room, you can use:
runs the code supplied and returns the output. Examples:
ruby require 'json'; res=[]; 20.times {res<<rand(100)}; my_json={result: res}; puts my_json.to_json
/code puts (34344/99)*(34+14)
add shortcut NAME: COMMAND
add shortcut for all NAME: COMMAND
shortchut NAME: COMMAND
shortchut for all NAME: COMMAND
It will add a shortcut that will execute the command we supply.
In case we supply 'for all' then the shorcut will be available for everybody
Example: add shortcut for all Spanish account: /code require 'iso/iban'; 10.times {puts ISO::IBAN.random('ES')}
Then to call this shortcut:
/sc spanish account
/shortcut Spanish Account
delete shortcut NAME
It will delete the shortcut with the supplied name
see shortcuts
It will display the shortcuts stored for the user and for :all
jid room ROOM_NAME
shows the jid of a room name
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.