
A multi-functional discord bot

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Second rewrite of >PBot. Still not as good as I'd like but it's definitely better than the original and it will make supporting it in the long term easier because of the modular design and the ORM... If you want to use >PBot you can use this invite link instead of hosting your own instance...

Command list:

  • Settings:

    • setwelcome
      Sets the welcome message channel
    • setgoodbye
      Sets the goodbye message channel
    • setevent
      Sets the event channel (namechanges etc)
    • setlogging
      Sets the message logging channel (Deletes, Edits)
    • logging [name or msg] Toggles name-change/message-change logging on/off
    • setmessage see below
      • welcome Sets the welcome message (Use {member_name} and {server_name} accordingly).
      • welcome_pm Sets the message that is sent to a member when they join the server Use {member_name} and {server_name} accordingly. It's good to include that they need to click on 👍 to get verified.
      • goodbye Sets the goodbye message (Use {member_name} accordingly).
  • Admin Commands:

    • check tag
      Gets some basic info of the member tagged and presents admin options (warn,softban,clear)
    • warn tag reason
      Warns the member. Will be banned once the warn limit is reached
    • verify tag
      Verifies an unverified member manually
    • clearwarnings tag
      Sets a member's warning count to 0 (Independent warnings are still logged)
    • massdelete id id
      Deletes all the messages between 2 message IDs given
    • dashboard
      Access the dashboard for your server and change bot settings
    • mute tag mins (optional)
      Makes a member unverified for a set number of minutes (Max 60) or an indefinite amount of time
    • unmute tag Unmutes the member tagged
    • nickname tag nickname
      Sets the nickname for a member
    • analytics Posts the most used commands of the bot in the specific server
  • Fun Commands:

    • bsf
      Gets the current venezuelan bolivar price
    • emoji emoji
      Gives an enlarged image/download link for an emoji
    • vote Creates a poll users can vote on. Instructions in command.
      • vote kick tag Vote-kicks the user. Duration is 5 minutes and can't be changed.
      • vote kill Cancels the vote running in that channel. Only the vote creator and people with the Manage Messages permission use this.
    • hastebin Creates a paste on hastebin.com
    • mcafee Updates you on John McAfee's $500.000 $1.000.000 by 2020 BTC bet.
    • shibe Gets a random picture of a shibe.
    • cat Gets a random picture of a cat.
    • playing Returns the current playing status
      • submit Submits a new playing status. Playing statuses get chosen randomly every 30 minutes
  • NSFW Commands:

    • rule34 tag Gets an image from rule34.xxx based on the tag given.
    • gelbooru tag Gets an image from gelbooru.com based on the tag given.
    • rtube tag Gets a video/thumbnail from redtube.com based on the tag given.
  • Anime Commands:

    • anime search query Searches for the anime with the query specified
    • anime top upcoming,tv,movie,airing,ova,special Shows the top anime of given category
    • anime character query Searches for the anime character with the query specified
  • Konishi Client (use >>konishi subcommand):

    • login Logs you in with your username and password and saves the session so you can use the client
    • post Make a post. It will guide you step by step.
    • feed Get a feed of recent posts.
  • Currencies & Stocks

    • crypto coin currency Gets the price of a coin in the currency specified (USD by default). Use each coin's 3/4 letter code not the name (ex. BTC instead of Bitcoin).
    • stock
      • intraday symbol
      • daily symbol
      • weekly symbol
      • monthly symbol
        Returns stock exchange data for the symbol queried (Default is intraday e.g ">>stock MSFT" is the same as ">>stock intraday MSFT")
    • forex coin1/coin2 (or coin1 coin2)
      Returns the current exchange rate for 1coin (You can also pass a number before coin1 to convert to coin2 e.g ">>forex 5USD/JPY" or ">>forex 5USD JPY"
    • forex rates coin Returns the current rates for 1coin in a lot of currencies
  • Birthdays

    • birthday tag Gives you the tagged user's birthday
      • upcoming months (Default:2) Gives the upcoming birthdays in the server
    • setbirthday DD/MM Sets your birthday to the specified date
      Birthdays you set are only visible in the server you set them in
      The bot will also post a notification in the event channel when it's someone's birthday
  • Anti-flooding

    • antiflood Returns the current antiflood settings for the server
      • toggle Toggles anti-flooding on and off
      • settime Sets the time threshold
      • setwarns Sets the warning count before kick
      • setmessages Sets the message threshold
  • Timed messages

    • timed time Enables timed messages for the specified seconds (Max 300). Disabled them if no time is specified
    • timed time message Enables timed messages only for the message from which the command was invoked
  • Translate

    • translate source language (default:detect) target language (default:english) Will enable translate for the set languages for the channel in which the command was invoked
    • translate source language target language message Will translate the specific message. All arguments are mandatory here. Pass auto as source language to detect automatically.

More coming soon...