Azure Stream Analytics


This is an azure analytics demonstration for an atm system. The system is composed by 4 main components:

  • Atm input data that come from a event hub
  • A stream analytics job that process the data
  • Blob storage that stores the results
  • Reference data that contains the atm locations, customers and locations


Below you can see the architecture of the system:



Query 1

Show the total “Amount” of “Type = 0” transactions at “ATM Code = 21” of the last 10 minutes. Repeat as new events keep flowing in (use a sliding window).

    System.Timestamp AS StartTime,
    SUM(Amount) AS TotalAmount
INTO [output1]
FROM [DataInput] 
WHERE Type = 0 AND ATMCode = 21
GROUP BY SlidingWindow(minute, 10)

The query output looks like this:

Query 2

Show the total “Amount” of “Type = 1” transactions at “ATM Code = 21” of the last hour. Repeat once every hour (use a tumbling window).

    System.Timestamp AS StartTime,
    SUM(DataInput.Amount) AS TotalAmount
INTO [output2]
FROM [DataInput]
WHERE Type = 1 AND ATMCode = 21
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(hour, 1) 

The query output looks like this:

Query 3

Show the total “Amount” of “Type = 1” transactions at “ATM Code = 21” of the last hour. Repeat once every 30 minutes (use a hopping window)

    System.Timestamp AS StartTime,
    SUM(Amount) AS TotalAmount
INTO output3
FROM DataInput
WHERE Type = 1 AND ATMCode = 21
GROUP BY HoppingWindow(minute, 60, 30)

The query output looks like this:

Query 4

Show the total “Amount” of “Type = 1” transactions per “ATM Code” of the last one hour (use a sliding window)

    System.Timestamp AS StartTime,
    DataInput.ATMCode AS ATM_Code,
    SUM(DataInput.Amount) AS TotalAmount   
INTO [output4]
FROM DataInput
WHERE DataInput.Type = 1
GROUP BY DataInput.ATMCode, SlidingWindow(hour, 1)

The query output looks like this:

Query 5

Show the total “Amount” of “Type = 1” transactions per “Area Code” of the last hour. Repeat once every hour (use a tumbling window)

    System.Timestamp AS StartTime,
    atm.area_code AS AreaCode,
    SUM(DataInput.Amount) AS TotalAmount
INTO output5
FROM DataInput
JOIN atm
    ON DataInput.AtmCode = atm.atm_code
WHERE DataInput.Type = 1
GROUP BY atm.area_code, TumblingWindow(hour, 1)

The query output looks like this:

Query 6

Show the total “Amount” per ATM’s “City” and Customer’s “Gender” of the last hour. Repeat once every hour (use a tumbling window)

    System.Timestamp AS StartTime,
    area.area_city AS ATM_City,
    customer.gender AS Customer_Gender,
    SUM(DataInput.Amount) AS TotalAmount
INTO [output6]
FROM [DataInput] 
JOIN atm
    ON DataInput.ATMCode = atm.atm_code
JOIN customer
    ON DataInput.CardNumber = customer.card_number
    ON atm.area_code = area.area_code
GROUP BY area.area_city, customer.gender, TumblingWindow(hour, 1)

The query output looks like this: {"StartTime":"2023-06-18T13:00:00.0000000Z","ATM_City":"Schaumburg","Customer_Gender":"Female","TotalAmount":1959.0} {"StartTime":"2023-06-18T13:00:00.0000000Z","ATM_City":"Baltimore","Customer_Gender":"Male","TotalAmount":343.0} {"StartTime":"2023-06-18T13:00:00.0000000Z","ATM_City":"Omaha","Customer_Gender":"Female","TotalAmount":182.0} {"StartTime":"2023-06-18T13:00:00.0000000Z","ATM_City":"Tacoma","Customer_Gender":"Male","TotalAmount":16.0} {"StartTime":"2023-06-18T13:00:00.0000000Z","ATM_City":"Memphis","Customer_Gender":"Male","TotalAmount":1187.0} {"StartTime":"2023-06-18T13:00:00.0000000Z","ATM_City":"Tacoma","Customer_Gender":"Female","TotalAmount":719.0}


In order query 7 and query 8 to work we used WITH clause to create tables that will be used in the queries. You can see below the tables that we created:

AlertData AS (
        atm.area_code AS ATM_AreaCode,
        customer.area_code AS Customer_AreaCode  
    FROM [input]
    JOIN atm
        ON input.ATMCode = atm.atm_code
    JOIN customer
        ON input.CardNumber = customer.card_number
    WHERE atm.area_code <> customer.area_code
TransactionCounts AS (
    COUNT(*) AS TransactionCount
    Type = 1
    SlidingWindow(hour, 1), CardNumber

Query 7

Alert (SELECT “1”) if a Customer has performed two transactions of “Type = 1” in a window of an hour (use a sliding window)

    System.Timestamp AS StartTime,
    'Alert' AS Message
INTO output7
FROM TransactionCounts
WHERE TransactionCount >= 2

The query output looks like this:

Query 8

Alert (SELECT “1”) if the “Area Code” of the ATM of the transaction is not the same as the “Area Code” of the “Card Number” (Customer’s Area Code) - (use a sliding window)

System.Timestamp AS StartTime,
MAX('1') AS Alert
INTO [output8]
FROM AlertData
GROUP BY SlidingWindow(hour, 1)

The query output looks like this:


  • Marios Ajdini (8200003)
  • Giorgos Zarkadas (8200043)