
Deep dive into WebGL and Shaders with Three.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Shader: Tiny little program run on the GPU.

    • Fragment Shader: Used for rendering pixels and for coming up with the color for a pixel.
    • Vertex Shader: Used for rendering vertex and for coming up with the atributes for a vertex lilke its position in the space. It also can decices how a camera work (like isometric vs perspective).
  • GLSL: OpenGL Shading Language is a strongly typed language you use to program shaders.

  • Attributes: Data contained in each of the vertex, like position, or color, texture coordinates, random numbers. You can have custom attrubutes, just have to declare it.

  • Uniforms: Special type of properties of GLSL, that can no ve asigned, are read only and we can pass them with JavaScript, this is their pourpose. They are also not changing for each pixel of the surface, that's why they are called uniform.

  • Varyings: You can define it in a vertex shader but pass it through to a fragment shader. It can change from one side of a surface to the other, this si what they are called varying.

  • Defines: Is another way to access to external data by defining any expressión. You could use them as constants but it may represent any expression of code by using define foobar 1 + 2 syntax. You can inject them in Three.js using the defines property of ShaderMaterial.

  • Glslify: Is a javascript library to impor glsl modules using #pragma syntax.

  • GPGPU or General-purpose computing on graphics processing units.

  • Equirectangular images or HDR maps are images that can be mapped onto a sphere.

  • PBR or phisically based rendering texture maps

    • Diffuse map: The colors of a texture.
    • Normal map: Gives us the information about the surface of a geometry and how it will react with light hitting it and bouncing off of it.
    • Metalness map: Defines which parts of the texture are more metalic and which are more rough.
  • CSG: Boolean operations on geometry like substract, union, interect, and so on.


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