Mongodb - Express - Angular 8 - Nodejs
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You need to have MongoDB and Nodejs installed to run the project locally
You can find the related collection on postman
Install dependencies
$ npm run installserver
$ npm run installclient
Run the server and client app
$ npm run server
$ npm run client
Create an admin account
Run from postman Generate Admin (GET)
(optional) Login User (GET) using the Admin's credentials
(optional) Generate Data (GET) using Admin's JWT token (Bearer auth)
You can preview the app on
Testing accounts :
Admin -> email: password: administrator
Teacher -> email: password: password0
Student -> email: password: password0
Login screen
Admin Accounts
New / Preview / Edit Account
Admin courses
Teacher Dashboard
Student Dashboard