
Postgres database image with different foreign data wrapper extensions installed. Multiple FDWs allow to execute Heterogeneous SQL over different by nature databases.

Primary LanguagePLpgSQLMIT LicenseMIT


Postgres database image with different foreign data wrapper extensions installed. Multiple FDWs allow to execute Heterogeneous SQL over different by nature databases within single SELECT statement.


Heterogeneous SQL

Enterprise IT infrastructure usually consist of many different systems which could use different database engines for storing the data. Good example could be microservices architecture where each service might have its own database. These databases except possibly being different by vendor like Oracle or Postgres, also might be different by nature. I.e. SQL vs NoSQL.

Quite often there is a need to combine the data from different systems within the Enterprise. Common solution for such task today is to write some ETL via one of the numerous tools available. Within the ETL you will fetch the data from source systems, process/join them somehow and store the result in a some target system.

This happens mostly because there is absent possibility to fetch and join the data from different databases within single SELECT statement. We call such approach Heterogeneous SQL (HSQL). As a feature, it's available in a couple of products like MS SQL Server and Informatica. But both of them require commercial license to be bought.

This project fills the gap and makes it possible to join data from different by vendor/nature databases in a single SELECT statement.

How It Works

Postgres database has such a nice feature as Foreign Data Wrapper. It allows to access data from some external source. Be it some other database or just file. In case of database it might be SQL or NoSQL one. There are plenty of different open source FDW extensions available.

What this project does is just compile and pack these FDW extensions into the default postgres image. All you have to do is enable corresponding extensions, put your credentials to the external datasources and start join them from inside postgres :)

Heterogeneous SQL Demo

Navigate to the corresponding folder listed above and execute from it docker-compose up -d. It will spin-up a few containers with postgres one at the end. Inside postgres container there will be a view created in public schema. That view will be joining data from foreign tables which are pointed to different source databases.

TODO: More detailed explanations for each setup

Postgres HSQL image

Postgres HSQL image is built on top of individual postgres images with single FDW installed. It's a mix image which contains all supported FDW extensions available for installation. It makes it possible to query data from different by nature databases within single SELECT statement. Which in fact implements Heterogeneous SQL feature.

Image Dockerfile
postgres_hsql postgres_hsql.docker

Included FDWs:

  • Oracle
  • TDS (MSSQL & Sybase)
  • Mysql
  • Mongo
  • Postgres (built-in)
  • Flat Files (built-in)
  • SQLite

Available image tags

Tag naming pattern corresponds one to one to the official postgres tags.

IMPORTANT: Docker doesn't support auto builds feature for free anymore. Also it doesn't show any digest or statistics for manually pushed tags. Nevertheless, these tags are fetchable and safe to use. Please check Tags tab at Docker hub to see custom tags available.

Image Tag
postgres_hsql latest
postgres_hsql 14.4

Individual FDW images

  • postgres_<dbname>.docker
    • Base image building file referenced in docker's documentation as Dockerfile.
  • postgres_<dbname>_compose.yml
    • Compose files to showcase a demo how to connect from postgres to different databases such as mysql.
FDW official repo Image Dockerfile Demo compose/schell script
mysql_fdw postgres_mysql_fdw postgres_mysql.docker postgres_mysql_compose.yml
oracle_fdw postgres_oracle_fdw postgres_oracle.docker postgres_oracle_compose.yml
sqlite_fdw postgres_sqlite_fdw postgres_sqlite.docker postgres_sqlite_compose.sh
mongo_fdw postgres_mongo_fdw postgres_mongo.docker postgres_mongo_compose.yml
tds_fdw postgres_mssql_fdw postgres_mssql.docker postgres_mssql_compose.yml

For example, postgres_mysql.docker file specifies postgres database with mysql_fdw extension installed. It will make it listed in pg_available_extensions system view but you still have to install it onto specific database as extension via CREATE EXTENSION command. Consequently, postgres_mysql_compose.yml file launches postgres and mysql databases within the same network as postgres and mysql hosts.

Individual FDWs Demo

Available tags

Tag naming pattern is <postgres_version>_fdw<fdw_version>. For example, 13.5_fdw2.7.0 tag for postgres_mysql_fdw image means postgres 13.5 version with 2.7.0 fdw version installed.

IMPORTANT: Docker doesn't support auto builds feature for free anymore. Also it doesn't show any digest or statistics for manually pushed tags. Nevertheless, these tags are fetchable and safe to use. Please check Tags tab at Docker hub to see custom tags available.

Image Tag
postgres_mysql_fdw latest
postgres_mysql_fdw 14.4_fdw2.8.0
postgres_mysql_fdw 14.2_fdw2.8.0
postgres_mysql_fdw 14.1_fdw2.7.0
postgres_mysql_fdw 13.5_fdw2.7.0
postgres_mysql_fdw 13.3_fdw2.6.0
Image Tag
postgres_sqlite_fdw latest
postgres_sqlite_fdw 14.4_fdw2.1.1
postgres_sqlite_fdw 14.1_fdw2.1.1
postgres_sqlite_fdw 13.5_fdw2.1.1
Image Tag
postgres_oracle_fdw latest
postgres_oracle_fdw 14.4_fdw2.4.0
postgres_oracle_fdw 13.4_fdw2.4.0
Image Tag
postgres_mssql_fdw latest
postgres_mssql_fdw 14.4_fdw2.0.2
postgres_mssql_fdw 14.3_fdw2.0.2
postgres_mssql_fdw 13.1_fdw2.0.2
Image Tag
postgres_mongo_fdw latest
postgres_mongo_fdw 14.4_fdw5.4.0
postgres_mongo_fdw 14.3_fdw5.4.0
postgres_mongo_fdw 13.3_fdw5.2.9

Initialization files

sql folder contains initialization files that simplifies creation of foreign data wrapper extension and acessing data from an external database. Naming pattern is as follow:

  • <dbname>_setup.sql
    • Create non-postgres database and populate it with some data
  • postgres_<dbname>_setup.sql
    • Create foreign data wrapper extension from within postgres to connect to <dbname> and access data from it.
  • postgres_hsql_setup.sql
    • Create all available foreign data wrapper extensions within postgres in a separate schemas. Applicable only for All inclusive image

Image building

Note: If you use docker then just replace podman with docker in all commands below.

Build image tagged as postgres_mysql and launch pg_fdw_test container from it

$ podman build -t postgres_mysql -f postgres_mysql.docker

$ podman run -d --name pg_fdw_test -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres_mysql

$ podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND   CREATED        STATUS            PORTS                   NAMES
6d6beb18e5b7  localhost/postgres_mysql:latest  postgres  4 seconds ago  Up 4 seconds ago>5432/tcp  pg_fdw_test

Login into the database and check that mysql_fdw is available for installation

$ podman exec -it pg_fdw_test psql postgres postgres
psql (12.4)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# select * from pg_available_extensions where name = 'mysql_fdw';
   name    | default_version | installed_version |                     comment
 mysql_fdw | 1.1             |                   | Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
(1 row)


Any contribution is highly welcomed. If you implementing new fdw image please keep corresponding file names accordingly to described pattern.

If you want to request some image to be prepared feel free to raise an issue for that. List of available FDW implementations could be found on official postgres wiki.