AGREGAR: btn btn-default -> AGREGAR NARANJA: btn btn-warning -> MODIFICAR/EDITAR ROJO: btn btn-danger -> ELIMINAR CELESTE: btn btn-info -> VER GRIS: btn btn-default -> VOLVER

FORMATO BOTONES: de link_to a: <%= button_to ‘Ver’, :method => ‘get’, :class => ‘btn btn-info’@vehicle %>

| ELIMINAR , :method => ‘get’, :class => ‘btn btn-danger’ VER , :method => ‘get’, :class => ‘btn btn-info’ EDITAR , :method => ‘get’, :class => ‘btn btn-warning’ VOLVER , :method => ‘get’, :class => ‘btn btn-default’

NUEVO , :method => ‘get’, :class => ‘btn btn-default’ Eliminar2 , :class => ‘btn btn-danger’ ¿Confirma eliminación?


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app.

Modelo Owner