
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

TradingView Chart Library Rails Gem

version : 1.1.0

date : Dec. 26,2014


This gem provides a simple way to use TradingView Chart Library for Ruby on Rails application.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tv_chart_rails', :git => 'git@github.com:bobstar6/tv_chart_rails.git'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tv_chart_rails


  1. First of all, ensure your app include jquery.

  2. Add <%= javascript_include_tag 'trading_view_chart' %> to the template where need to insert tradingview chart.

  3. Use showTradingViewChart() to initialize a chart.

    <script type="text/javascript">

    You can find default params in tv_chart/vendor/javascripts/trading_view_chart.js. Initialize your chart by sending hash params to showTradingViewChart(). It will overwrite the default params.

  4. Put this line to your html page where you want to insert chart.

    <div id="tv_chart_container"></div>

    You can change the id with hash params.


    showTradingViewChart({ container_id: 'my_own_chart' })

    then add this line

    <div id="my_own_chart"></div>

  5. If you want to use your own datafeed.js, you can replace it at tv_chart/vendor/javascritps/charting_library/datafeed/datafeed.js


  1. when develop your own datafeed, do not use the word 'config' as a method name for route like 'demo_feed.tradingview.com/config', change the word or remap route.

  2. if your use the default datafeed.js, you should know this datafeed will use Json.parse to parse the response from ajax request.