
iPhone App using trained Keras models deployed with CoreML on accelerator sensors to predict human action

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Human Activity Recognition

This module contains code for analysing different datasets of smartphone sensor data as well as code for training and testing an LSTM and a CNN on predicting whether the recorded sensor data was obtained from a running or a walking person. (As part of a challenge for a PhD position). Goal of the challenge was to build a mobile app, which could classify 10 seconds of movement into walking or jogging/running activity.

Each network is given a unique specifier. For each successful run, a folder with the network's specifier and the current datetime will be created with train and test results + the set of used hyperparameters.


  1. WISDM The Wireless Sensor Data Mining (WISDM) Lab has provided two datasets, which contain accelerator measurements. I have used the lab data (not the actitracker)

    • dataset
    • paper
    • Sampling rate = 20Hz
    • Device = Android
    • Carried in front pocket
    • Feature set: downstairs, upstairs, walking, jogging, sitting, and standing
  2. MotionSense

    • dataset
    • paper
    • Sampling rate = 50Hz
    • Device = iPhone6
    • Carried in front pocket
    • Feature set: downstairs, upstairs, walking, jogging, sitting, and standing
  3. Run/Walk

    • data
    • Sampling rate = 50Hz
    • Device = iPhone5
    • Carried on left and right wrist
    • Feature set: walking, jogging
  4. My iPhone Data

    • in data/my_iphone_data
    • Sampling rate = 50Hz
    • Device = iPhone8
    • Carried in front pocket
    • Feature set: walking, jogging

Datasets visualization

Results on motionSense data

I have randomly split the train and test sets in a ratio of 75:25. As we want 10 seconds of data and motionSense was recorded with 50Hz, we need 10/(1/50) datapoints - therefore each sample contains 500 [acc.x, acc.y, acc.z] measurements. For both, CNN and LSTM, I reach close to 100% on the test set (It is a very simple classification task)


  1. Clone repository and download all datasets

    git clone git@github.ibm.com:mariozusag/ios_human_activity_recognition.git
  2. Install dependencies

    (suggested) Install with virtual environment

    cd ios_human_activity_recognition
    python3 -m venv har_env
    source har_env/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    (alternative) Install with pip version 3.5 or 3.6

    cd ios_human_activity_recognition
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Project structure

    cd ios_human_activity_recognition
    cd data
    mkdir motion_sense output run_walk train_test wisdm_lab
    mv ../all_motionSenseData/* data/motion_sense
    mv ../all_wisdmDataLab/* data/wisdm_lab
    mv ../all_RunWalkDataLab/* data/run_walk
    ├── motion_sense      # folder with all motionSense data (just put them there like you downloaded them)
    ├── my_iphone_data    # folder with two 10s  measurements from my iPhone
    ├── output    # output folder, where the results of the deep learning models are saved to
    │   ├── experimental_results
    │       ├── LSTM_2019-03-12-22:18:28
    ├── ...
    ├── resources       
    ├── model 
    │   ├── cnn.py   # convolutional neural network for human activity recognition      
    │   ├── keras_base_model.py      # framework for keras models    
    │   ├── lstm.py   # recurrent neural network for human activity recognition                
    │   └── transform_into_coreml.py    # transform a trained .h5 model into a CoreML model, which can be deployed on an iPhone                  
    ├── preprocessing 
    │   ├── data_loader.py      # loads each data into a DataFrame
    │   ├── train_test_split.py   # transforms a DataFrame to train/test data for Human Activity Recognitin
    ├── visualization 
    │   ├── visalization.py      # visualizes accelerometer data
    ├── utilities.py    # set of utility functions
    iOS-Human-Activity-Recognition.ipynb    # a Jupyter Notebook going through all the steps of the module
    ├── unittests 
  4. Running the module

    cd ios_human_activity_recognition
    jupyter notebook

    Then open and run the iOS-Human-Activity-Recognition.ipynb step for step

iOS App

The code for the iOS App can be found here: https://github.com/mariozusag/activity-prediction-app


Homescreen 10s screen 10s prediction Live version