
API Rest Server using Rocket.rs

Primary LanguageRust

API REST Server using Rocket.rs

Linux Arm7 Linux x86_64 macOS intel

A Skeleton API Rest server using Rocket with the backend database as MongoDB.


  • Custom config file defining:
    • server host ip and port to listen
    • enable/disable ssl with ssl cert auto generation
    • mongodb configurations
  • Use the x-api-key header to validate API Keys
  • Restrict a client connecting IP Addresses to the endpoints using Allow ACL
  • Restrict endpoints using the Deny ACL
  • Rate limiter to throttle incoming requests to endpoints
  • Extend this rocketapi server's boiler plate; with your endpoints



  • Rust 1.56+ (2021 edition)


cargo build --release
  • Sample config file is available at config.sample.yml

Starting the server

./target/release/rocketapi -f config.sample.yml

Available endpoints

  • Index/User management endpoint
Description Endpoint Method
Api index / GET
List all Users /users GET
Create user /users POST
Update user /users PUT
Delete user /users/<Email> DELETE

POST Request for new user creation / user update

The below example goes into json body of POST/PUT request while creating a new user

  "email": "email",
  "description": "...",
  "is_admin": false,
  "acl_allow_ips": ["", "<IP_ADDRESS>"] // use ["*"] if you want to allow from any IP
  "acl_allow_endpoints": {
    "name": "/endpoint_name",
    "method": "GET", // use "*" if you want any methods to be allowed for this endpoint 
    "throttle": "4/min" // can use sec|min|hour|day

Seed data & Configuration

  • Example with rate-limit (throttle)
  "created_ip" : "",
  "created_by" : "email",
  "created_at" : "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z",
  "email" : "email",
  "description": "...",
  "api_key" : "apikey123",
  "is_admin" : true,
  "acl_allow_ips" : [
  "acl_allow_endpoints": [
    {"name": "/fair", "method": "*", "throttle": "4/min"}
  • Example without rate-limit
  "created_ip" : "",
  "created_by" : "email",
  "created_at" : "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z",
  "email" : "email",
  "description": "...",
  "api_key" : "apikey123",
  "is_admin" : true,
  "acl_allow_ips" : [
  "acl_allow_endpoints": [
    {"name": "*", "method": "*"} 


The configs folder has configurations to start the server as a service and nginx config to server this rocketapi server in reverse proxy mode.

  • Start the rocketapi server as a service
1) copy the configs/rocketapi.service to /etc/systemd/system folder
2) systemctl enable rocketapi
3) systemctl start rocketapi
  • Then you can copy the configs/nginx.vhost to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled to access the rocketapi server via nginx.

If you need a python version, a python fastapi version can be found here.


Feel free to make pull requests and make this better and/or contribute to its features.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0