*HTML *CSS *MD *Bootstrap *JavaScript *JQuery
Webpage for movie tickets
*Clone repository *Navigate to file *Use terminal to open HTML *Open directory in browser
*No known bugs
*_MIT *_Questions, issues or concerns Email marisaedgar1212@gmail.com Copyright(c)2021 Marisa Edgar
Describe: Movie()
Test: It should return an object with properties of title, time, and age Code: movie1 = new Movie("Expensive Movie", "matinee", "allages"); movie1.name; Expected Output: "Expensive Movie" ~completed
Describe: Ticket()
Test: "It should add an id to each movie" Code: movie1 Expected Output: Movie {title: Expensivé Movie", time: "matinee", age :"allages" id: 1} ~ completed
Test: "It should retreive a movie based off of the id" code: tickets.findMovie(1) expected output: ("title: Expensivé Movie", "time: matinee", "age: allages" "id: 1")
Describe: modifyCost
Test: "It should manipulate price depending on user input" Code: modifyCost Expected Output: price != 10