Canadian Accessible Publishing - Home to resources for Canadian Publishers looking to improve their knowledge and practice of Accessibility

Primary LanguageHTML


Canadian Accessible Publishing - Home for all of our work!

Getting these files

Clone this repository locally. Then open a terminal program and go to the directory where you put the files:

$ cd ~/MyFiles/CAP

Install the required libraries: $ npm install

Adding content

Edit the home page: src/index.md

Edit the about page: src/about.md

Edit the list of resources: src/resources.md

Edit the style: src/css/style.css

Add a post to "Accessibility Stories": Add a new file (in markdown or other formats) to src/stories/posts

Give your post some tags:

In addition to the requisite post tag, you can add more tags. There is no official list of preset tags - just make something up! Add tags by editing the front matter data in your file (where you have title, author, etc):

title: Sample post
author: marisademeglio
  - post
  - howto
date: 2020-01-14

Building the site

Build with $ npm run build

Commit your build. Github pages will pick up what's in the docs folder.

More things you can do

  • Serve the files locally with $ npm run serve. Browse to localhost:8080.
  • Lint your CSS with $ gulp lint-css
  • Pretty-format the HTML output with $ gulp pretty-html

Architecture and design

This is a static site built with 11ty. It includes a blog as well as standalone pages.