
Utility scripts for audiobooks

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Utility scripts for audiobooks

get the code

  1. Clone this repository or download the zip.

For all except the first (LPF) script:

  1. Make sure you have a reasonably recent version of Node JS installed
  2. npm i

make an LPF

Make sure you have run permissions on this script (you just have to do this once):

chmod u+x lpfify.sh

Create the LPF:

./lpfify.sh bookdir

Creates bookdir.lpf.

Unzip it to see if it worked how you expected:

mkdir tmp
unzip bookdir.lpf -d tmp

Then look in tmp.

calculate durations

npm run add-durations -- --input manifestFile --output outdir


  • Local manifest file (embedded in HTML or as a separate JSON file)


  • Manifest with durations added (saved in same format as input -- HTML or JSON)

Run the included example:

npm run durations-example

add synchronized narration

npm run add-syncnarr --html localHtmlFile --audio anyAudioFileOrURL --labels localLabelsFile --output outdir


  • HTML file (local)
  • Audio filepath (URL or local file)
  • Text file containing label markers exported from Audacity (see example)


  • Sync narration JSON file
  • HTML file with required IDs added
  • Snippet to paste into your manifest as the "alternate" property

Run the included example:

npm run syncnarr-example