DAISY Pipeline UI Prototype: Tauri

This prototype uses Tauri and is written in Rust and Javascript.

The goal of the prototype is to experiment with the stack and demonstrate integration with the Pipeline via executing jobs.

To run it:

Current status

The pipeline web service starts when the app opens and stops when the app closes.

Start a pre-configured job by pressing the button. Each submitted job is opened in a tab.

A web worker polls the Pipeline WS API every 2 seconds, and updates the UI accordingly.

The included Pipeline build is for mac; Set the value of DAISY_PIPELINE in src-tauri/.env for other systems.


The Pipeline WS cannot be called directly from the webview because of CORS issues. Inter-process communication is required to make WS calls (so: they happen in the Rust layer).

Ideas scratchpad

Ideas for user preferences:

  • Clear pipeline log
  • Help/how to file a bug
  • Clear job history
  • Set job output folder
  • Set pipeline runtime location