
11ty template for creating a site with versioned documentation. Includes Travis integration.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Versioned documentation static site generator.

To build:

npm run build

This runs 11ty twice: once to create _site; once to create _site/${version}.

It is necessary to build a second copy of the site in a versioned subdirectory, because the links will be different than in the top-level site. We also remove versions.js in this copy, just to reduce confusion, since it should never be called directly (rather, the top-level version should always be used).

_site/ always has the latest version.

_site/history/ always has zipped copies of each version

Test locally

run test.sh


Environment variables

Please set these values

DOCSSITE_HISTORY_URL: Where to download /history/*.zip files from, e.g. http://localhost:8181/history.

DOCSSITE_ROOT_SUBDIR: The subdirectory that the site is deployed to, e.g. for http://localhost:8080/SUBDIR, the value should be SUBDIR. We need to store this separately because when we run eleventy to generate the verisoned subdirs, we set its pathPrefix setting to DOCSSITE_ROOT_SUBDIR + /verison/ + DOCSSITE_VERSION. So we need to know the root subdirectory independently of this.

Do not use beginning or ending slashes with any of these properties.

Automatically set by the build script

DOCSSITE_VERSION: The current version of the site. Automatically set to $TRAVIS_TAG in the build script.

DOCSSITE_WRITE_VERSION: true or false, depending on if the site should be written to a versioned subdirectory, e.g. /version/0.1.0.


docsSubdir: This is a magic string that will always be meaningful across versions as the home of the documentation section (even if it just redirects to elsewhere).

Do not use beginning or ending slashes with this property.


Array of all versions to date.

Marking if a page is not current and listing current and previous versions

This depends on versions.js existing at the root level of the site (so: DOCSSITE_ROOT_SUBDIR + /versions.js).

versions.js is generated from a template versions.njk and it gets omitted for versioned subdirectory builds. This process is managed in .eleventy.js via modifying the .eleventyignore file.

site.js is another top-level javascript file. It has functions for calculating paths.


Documentation pages must be tagged "docs". This enables differentiating the "you're on an old page" notification - we can say specifically "you're on an old documentation page, go to the latest documentation".

Exposed to the user

Although top-level pages are published for each version, they are not linked to.

So, while a user could enter http://site.com/version/0.1.0/about, there is no direct link to this page. All pages' navigation points to top-level /about.

An old page will generate a notificiation: "You're on an old page, go to the latest site", which leads to the start page of the site.

An old documentation page will generate a documentation-specific version of that notification (see above).