Slow Mafia


  • Keep gameplay entirely in Twitter DMs- don't move to iMessage, Instagram, etc. Since this is a long-running game, keeping it in one place helps compartmentalize. And no private DMs regarding the game.

  • There are 3 roles: five Saboteurs (mafia), ten Scientists (townspeople), and one Insomniac (protector).

  • Two group chats have been set up: one for everyone, and another for the Saboteurs. And a DM for the Insomniac.

  • Feel free to mute the groupchats, as long as you cast your vote once a day.

  • Daytime voting (all roles) starts at 3pm ET/noon PT and ends by 7pm ET/4pm PT every day. You can discuss and cast votes anytime after the results of the previous day's votes are announced.

  • Nighttime voting (only Saboteurs + the Insomniac) starts at 7pm ET/4pm PT and ends at 11pm ET/8pm PT every day.

  • The Saboteur DM channel is silent and just for voting, so Saboteurs should not discuss strategy. To kind of emulate the silent pointing/facial expressions that happen in a live game, Saboteur messages should be only an at-mention and one emoji or character. For example, @marissamary?, @marissamary 👍, @marissamary 👎 are all valid.

  • Daytime voting (all roles) can involve freeform discussion. This voting works differently from Saboteur voting. A player needs to be nominated first to be voted for. You can say something like I nominate @marissamary. When you're ready to start voting on the nominees, vote by saying @marissamary 👍. The last person you voted for before the deadline will count as your vote, so you can change your vote up until the deadline by saying @otherperson 👍.

  • If you've been voted out, don't share any information about the game to other people. We can keep you in the groupchat, but don't say anything (including gifs and emoji reactions 😢 ).

  • No screenshots or images (besides gifs) in the general groupchat.

  • If you want to post/talk about the game publicly, don't post any information that every player wouldn't have access to (for example, you can post the group chat but hide what other DMs you have going).

  • I think it's likely peak gameplay will happen in the hour or so before the vote deadline, so that's probably the best time to check the groupchat if you have it muted.

  • One of the Scientists will be eliminated at the start of the game- I'm sorry in advance! You can still silently watch the gameplay.

  • If you haven't played Mafia before, here are the rules. We're playing the variation with one protector role (the Insomniac).

  • Crunched for time? If it's the beginning of the game and you can't commit to playing, let me know and I'll have you get eaten by a whale or something. Once you're in the game, don't feel bad if you can't read all the DMs- you can either pop in before the voting deadline, or vote early, right after the previous day's results are out. You can change your vote as many times as you like.

  • DM me (Marissa) if you have questions.