
CSV Hero will save your day and handle all the CSV files you have to parse

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSV Hero - The powerful CSV parser

CSV Hero

CSV Hero will save your day and handle all the CSV files you have to parse! CSV Hero can parse your csv files even when no one else can.


Here is what CSV Hero can do for you:

  • Parse CSV with an easy to use api
  • Handle different input sources
  • Automatically detect line breaks, delimiter and quote style
  • Handle badly escaped quotes
  • Work in the background as Worker
  • Detect numbers and boolean values
  • Bring no dependencies
  • Try it out


Install with NPM

npm i csv-hero

or include the compiled file

<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/marius-wieschollek/csv-hero/master/dist/csv-hero.web.js"></script>

or build from source

git clone https://github.com/marius-wieschollek/csv-hero.git
cd csv-hero
npm install
npm run build


Using CSV Hero is absolutely easy:

// Just parse a csv string

// Parse a user file
let SomeFile = document.getElementById('some-file').files[0];

// Use some custom options
CsvHero.parse('Easy,as,123', {worker:true});

CSV Hero uses Promises:


Parser Options

Option Type Default Description
delimiter string auto The character used to separate the columns. If the value is auto, CSV Hero will try to find the best match.
newLine string auto The new line character. If the value is auto. CSV Hero will try to find the best match and default to \n if he can't.
quotes string auto The quote character used to encapsulate fields. If the value is auto, CSV Hero will try to find the best match.
escape string auto The escape character used to escape the quote character inside a quoted field. If the value is auto, CSV Hero will use the same as the quote character.
comment string - The comment character. If a line is prefixed with this character, it will be ignored. Usually empty to disable quotes.
encoding string UTF-8 If you pass a file to CSV Hero, you can specify the encoding.
strictSpaces boolean true Defines how CSV Hero handles spaces before the first and after the last quote in a field. See Strict Spaces Option for details.
strictQuotes boolean true Defines how CSV Hero handles quotes. If it is disabled, will try to detect badly escaped quotes. See Strict Quotes Option for details.
strictEndingQuotes boolean false Enable or disable the detection of badly escaped quotes at the end of a field if strictQuotes is disabled. See Strict Ending Quotes Option for details.
strictRows boolean false If this option is enabled, CSV Hero will guarantee a minimum row size and report an error for rows that have too many columns.
rowSize number -1 Sets the deisred row size for strictRows. If the value is -1, the size of the first row will be used as reference. The detection will ignore skipHeader.
maxRows number -1 If set to any value except -1, CSV Hero will parse after the given amount of rows were parsed. skipEmptyRows, skipEmptyFieldRows and skipHeader will be respected.
skipHeader boolean false Skip the first row which is usually used as header. skipEmptyRows and skipEmptyFieldRows will be respected.
skipEmptyRows boolean false Skip rows with no values at all.
skipEmptyFieldRows boolean false Skips rows with only empty fields. See trimFields if you want to include fields with only spaces too.
trimFields boolean false Trim spaces at the beginning and end of a value. This is a post processing filter and hass no effect on strictSpaces.
castTypes boolean false Detect numbers and booleans and convert them to their native type.
mapFields boolean false Map colums to a field name instead of creating an array with the values.
fieldMapping array [] The property names for mapFields. If it is left empty, the header row will be used. Extra fields will be named field_<index>.
worker boolean false Run all jobs as a WebWorker. Workers run in the background and will prevent your site from becoming unresponsive.
workerUrl string null null
ignoreErrors boolean false Ignore if errors occur and always trigger the success function.

Strict Spaces Option

By default, CSV Hero will enforce standards compliant behaviour and consider spaces at the beginning and at the end of a column as part of the content. In some cases that may not be wanted. See the following example:

Column 1,Column 2,Column 3
"Value 1" , "Value 2" , "Value 3"

With strictSpaces enabled, an error may be logged and the result will look like this:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Value 1" , "Value 2" , "Value 3

With strictSpaces disabled, the result will look like this:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Value 1 Value 2 Value 3

With strictSpaces disabled, CSV Hero will ignore the spaces around the values in the second line as long as it finds a delimiter at some point

Strict Quotes Option

By default, CSV Hero will enforce standards compliant behaviour and report an error if an unescaped quote character is found, but no delimiter follows. Sometimes you may have to parse csv files where quotes were not escaped properly. Take the content below as example:

Column 1,Column 2
"Oops, some bad "Quotes"","What could go wrong?"

With strictQuotes enabled, an error will be reported and the result will look like this:

Column 1 Column 2
Oops, some bad "Quotes"!,"What could go wrong?

With strictQuotes disabled, the result will look like this:

Column 1 Column 2
Oops, some bad "Quotes" What could go wrong?

Strict Ending Quotes

With strictQuotes disabled, CSV Hero will try to determine if a quote is used as field start, content or in combination with the delimiter as field end. However especially the field endings are very hard to detect, and it may happen that CSV Hero detects the quote + delimiter combination inside a field. See this example:


The commas in the json string will look exactly like a field delimiter and therefore counted as one. even the correctly encoded third line will be an issue now:

{"well":"that sucks":"now"}
{"well":"that" "sucks":"now"}

Enabling strictEndingQuotes will disable the check for bad quotes at the end of a field and therefore guarantee that proper csv parses correctly:

{"well":"that sucks":"now"}

However, bad quotes at the end will no longer be detected. Sometimes even a hero can't save you from CSV hell.