
Official GitHub page of the paper publication "Weak-Annotation of HAR Datasets using Vision Foundation Models" presented at UbiComp/ ISWC 2024.

Primary LanguagePython

Weak-Annotation of HAR Datasets using Vision Foundation Models


As wearable-based data annotation remains, to date, a tedious, time-consuming task requiring researchers to dedicate substantial time, benchmark datasets within the field of Human Activity Recognition in lack richness and size compared to datasets available within related fields. Recently, vision foundation models such as CLIP have gained significant attention, helping the vision community advance in finding robust, generalizable feature representations. With the majority of researchers within the wearable community relying on vision modalities to overcome the limited expressiveness of wearable data and accurately label their to-be-released benchmark datasets offline, we propose a novel, clustering-based annotation pipeline to significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be annotated by a human annotator. We show that using our approach, the annotation of centroid clips suffices to achieve average labelling accuracies close to 90% across three publicly available HAR benchmark datasets. Using the weakly annotated datasets, we further demonstrate that we can match the accuracy scores of fully-supervised deep learning classifiers across all three benchmark datasets.

Supplementary Material

Additional results and figures can be found in the supplementary_material.pdf.


Please follow instructions mentioned in the INSTALL.md file.


The used datasets and extracted features can be downloaded here.

Reproduce Feature Extraction

To reproduce the visual feature extraction, one needs to download each dataset's video data. Note that we used downsampled versions (12 FPS) of the video streams. The datasets can be downloaded here:

Note that the datset download mentioned above already contains all extracted feature embeddings.

Reproduce Experiments

Once having installed requirements, one can rerun experiments. The job_scripts folder contains run-statements of all mentioned experiments.

To rerun the experiments without changing anything about the config files, please place the complete dataset download into a folder called data in the main directory of the repository.

Seed averaging of experiments

To obtain a summarized overview of your seeded runs, run the seed_averaging.py script by changing the path_to_preds path-variable pointing towards a folder containing the logged experiments as separate folders, i.e.:

  • If you ran three experiments with varying different seeds place all three folders in a directory.
  • Name each folder following the name structure seed_X where X is the employed seed of each experiment.

Cite as

  title = {Weak-Annotation of HAR Datasets using Vision Foundation Models},
  author = {Bock, Marius and Van Laerhoven, Kristof and Moeller, Michael},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers},
  pages = {55–62},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3675095.3676613},