
Material of the Swift/iOS Workshop FHNW

Primary LanguageSwift


Patrick Jayet - Februar 2016

Material of the Swift/iOS Workshop FHNW.


Course 1: Swift Part 1

  • The course material can be found in the following 2 playground files
    • 01_Types_to_Optionals
    • 02_Control_Structure_to_Enum
  • Exercices:
    • The playground file Exercise_1

Course 2: Swift Part 2 & Start iOS

  • OO in Swift: see the following 2 playground files
    • 03_Classes_Property_Protocol
    • 04_Extension_Generics
  • Exercices:
    • The playground file Exercise_2
  • Start iOS
    • See slides iOS-Workshop-2016-iOS-Teil2.pdf in the folder slides

Course 3

  • Recap start iOS
  • Exercises:
    • Make sure the project folder is up to date (run git pull if unsure)
    • See the playground file Exercise_3
  • iOS continuation
    • See slides iOS-Workshop-2016-iOS-Teil3.pdf in the folder slides

Course 4

  • Recap iOS part 2
  • Exercise: continuation of exercise Ex3

