
Automatically 401 redirect routes with a trailing slash to a route without a trailing slash

Primary LanguageScala

Play Trailing Slash

What is this?

This is a Play Framework 2 module that generates a 401 Moved Permanently redirect for request paths that end with a slash, redirecting to a path without a trailing slash.

Why is this useful?

Consider a simple URL such as http://www.example.com/login that displays a login page. If the user enters http://www.example.com/login/ by accident, Play will generate a 404 result. If you define both routes, Google will treat this as duplicate content. Play's default router only offers a 302 redirect which doesn't solve the duplicate content problem.

How do you use it?


val trailingSlash = RootProject(uri("git://github.com/mariussoutier/play-trailing-slash.git"))
val main = play.Project(...).dependsOn(trailingSlash)


import com.mariussoutier.play._
object Global extends GlobalSettings with TrailingSlash


import com.mariussoutier.play.*;
public class Global extends TrailingSlashSettings {