FlameRobin is a database administration tool for Firebird RDBMS. Our goal is to build a tool that is: lightweight (small footprint, fast execution) cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD) dependent only on other Open Source software
- abzalovMoscow
- adeotekAdeoTEK Software
- agungdheweFGTA.Net
- altmas-sys
- arvanus
- data-man@contour-terminal
- dk76
- Dong-Lin
- eemailme
- eko234
- isidrolvIA Services & internet
- jan-vaclavik
- JdochoaGuatemala
- jhcloos
- kalwadosGermany, NRW, Teutoburger Wald
- kevind7
- krilbeDataDIA AB, Kul & Klok Design HB
- lickumap
- luizeofPowertic
- luronumen
- machnerwebquake
- mariuz
- netinhoteixeiraBrazil
- Neustradamus
- Norpa
- pgfiore
- smillien62
- stefansbvRomania
- SuperRPG
- tomneko
- twzcn
- vestdam
- wellington1993Hotsoft Informática @hotsoft-desenv2
- winweighPfister Waagen Bilanciai GmbH
- xRayDev
- yiqing-95