This sample demonstrates that the behaviour of the default Angular 2 exception handler, EXCEPTION_BINDING
, gives rise to unexpected application behaviour.
The app outputs the following in the browser development console:
EXCEPTION: Error during instantiation of Burner!.
app.js:44 wat?
angular2.js:18624 EXCEPTION: Error: crazy nightmare
app.js:47 wtf?
If you look at the code, there should be no circumstances where that wtf?
is logged to the console (so long as we're talking about normal promises that obey the specs).
The probable reason for the weird behaviour is due to EXCEPTION_BINDING
being configured to swallow exceptions instead of re-throwing them.
It is possible to override the default error handler, but it could be argued that the default handler shouldn't result in such broken behaviour.
The skeleton code/project is from ng2-play, where instructions can be found for running this sample.