
Flux Demo Infrastucture

Primary LanguageShell


Flux Demo Infrastucture


This is a sample Flux infrastructure repo for the demonstration of full CICD of both Kubernetes and Confluent Cloud resources using Flux CD and the Confluent Cloud Operator. Once all files are setup in the flux-demo-infra repo and all prerequisites are setup below, any push to the main branch of this repo and the flux-demo-producer repo should cause both Kubernetes and Counfluent Cloud resources to be automatically deployed.


  • A personal Confluent Cloud account needs to be setup. You can get 750 free credits using the following promo codes: C50INTEG, DEVOPS200, FREETRIAL400, CLOUD100.
  • Docker should be setup on your local machine. Make sure there is enough memory and cpu in Docker for running Kubernetes.
  • A Kubernetes cluster should be installed on your local machine. I would suggest installing Kind.
  • The Kubernetes CLI - kubectl should be installed locally as well.
  • The Flux CD client should be installed locally. See these instructions for more details.
  • The Confluent Cloud CLI should be installed locally.

Setup Local Kubernetes

  1. Create a cluster in Kubernetes: kind create cluster
  2. Create namespaces
  • kubectl create ns flux-system

Setup Flux and flux-demo Repos

  1. Fork Git repos
  • https://github.com/mark-christiansen/flux-demo-ccloud-operator.git
  • https://github.com/mark-christiansen/flux-demo-infra.git
  • https://github.com/mark-christiansen/flux-demo-producer.git
  1. Clone Git Repos
  • git clone https://github.com/<github-username>/flux-demo-ccloud-operator.git
  • git clone https://github.com/<github-username>/flux-demo-infra.git
  • git clone https://github.com/<github-username>/flux-demo-producer.git
  1. Create personal authentication token in your GitHub account and export your username and token as env variables in your terminal
  • export GITHUB_USER=<github-username>
  • export GITHUB_TOKEN=<github-token>
  1. Install flux components in flux-system namespace
  • flux install -n flux-system
  1. Verify that the flux controllers are running in the flux-system namespace
  • % kubectl -n flux-system get pod
    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    helm-controller-59dcbc6dcb-b2g87           1/1     Running   5          7d2h
    kustomize-controller-5b7b8b44f6-9l5nn      1/1     Running   5          7d2h
    notification-controller-77f68bf8f4-rclkk   1/1     Running   6          7d2h
    source-controller-7fbcff87ff-8jn5s         1/1     Running   5          7d2h
  1. Bootstrap flux components in flux-system namespace to the flux-demo-infra repo
  • cd <repo-home>/flux-demo-infra
  • rm -rf clusters
  • git add . && git commit -m 'deleting to bootstrap' && git push
  • flux bootstrap github -n flux-system --owner $GITHUB_USER --repository flux-demo-infra --branch main --path ./clusters/my-cluster --token-auth --personal
  • git pull
  1. Verify there are no errors in the flux-system kustomizations
  • flux get kustomizations --watch (will refresh as kustomizations applied)

Setup Confluent Cloud Cluster

  1. Login to your Confluent Cloud account
  2. Create a new environment if one doesn't exist.
  • You can name the cluster whatever you want, but the name will replace the default value in this file.
  1. Create a new cluster if one doesn't exist.
  • You can name the cluster whatever you want, but the name will replace the devops-demo value in this file.

Setup Confluent Cloud Operator

  1. Create local file containing your Confluent Cloud credentials and deploy to Kubernetes as secret
  • cat > ccloud-secret.yml
  • kubectl create secret generic cc.ccloud-secrets --from-env-file=ccloud-secret.yml -n default
  1. Create files to link flux-demo-ccloud-operator repo to flux-demo-infra repo
  • cd <repo-home>/flux-demo-infra
  • flux create source git ccloud-operator -n flux-system --url https://github.com/<github-username>/flux-demo-ccloud-operator --branch main --interval 30s --export > ./clusters/my-cluster/flux-demo-ccloud-operator-source.yaml
  • flux create kustomization ccloud-operator --target-namespace=default --source=ccloud-operator --path="./kustomize" --prune=true --interval=5m --export > ./clusters/my-cluster/flux-demo-ccloud-operator-kustomization.yaml
  1. Commit and push changes to flux-demo-infra repo
  • git add . && git commit -m "bootstrap ccloud-operator" && git push
  1. Verify gitrepo for ccloud-operator created in flux-system namespace
  • % kubectl get gitrepo -n flux-system
      NAME                URL                                                              READY   STATUS                                                            AGE
      ccloud-operator     https://github.com/mark-christiansen/flux-demo-ccloud-operator   True    Fetched revision: main/108c1cbfa7534989de7cced40cc320e4ecdae34e   1s
      flux-system         https://github.com/mark-christiansen/flux-demo-infra.git         True    Fetched revision: main/d59ad0ede4a7aaf05926c71880c18556f44a16bf   47m
  1. Verify kustomization for ccloud-operator created
  • % flux get kustomizations --watch
      NAME       	        READY	MESSAGE                                                        	REVISION                                     	SUSPENDED
      flux-system	        True 	Applied revision: main/d59ad0ede4a7aaf05926c71880c18556f44a16bf	main/d59ad0ede4a7aaf05926c71880c18556f44a16bf	False
      ccloud-operator	    True	Applied revision: main/108c1cbfa7534989de7cced40cc320e4ecdae34e	main/108c1cbfa7534989de7cced40cc320e4ecdae34e	False
  1. Verify flux-demo-ccloud-operator pod running
  • % flux-demo-infra % kubectl -n default get pod
      NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      ccloud-operator-5b9778c577-x7967   1/1     Running   0          5m39s

Build Producer Application and Deploy Docker Image into Kubernetes

  1. Run Maven build for flux-demo-producer application, create Docker image and deploy into kind-control-plane
  • <repo-home>/mvn package
  • <repo-home>/docker-build.sh (loads to kind-control-plane as well)

Bootstrap flux-demo-producer repo to flux-demo-infra repo

  1. Verify the environment variable settings in flux-demo-producer/ksutomize/deployment.yaml are the settings you want
  • Change BROKER_URL to point to your Confluent Cloud cluster. Search for value of bootstrap.servers in the CLI tools (https://confluent.cloud/environments//clusters//integrations/cli-tools) settings.
  • Change the end of the secret name for BROKER_AUTH to match your cluster ID.
  • Change ITERATIONS to the number of messages batches to send to each of the three topics.
  • Change BATCH_SIZE to the number of messages to send to each of the three topics per iteration.
  • Change FREQUENCY to how often (in milliseconds) to send a batch of messages to a topic.
  • Confluent Cloud will eventually charge you if you were to leave the producer run over a long period of time. Running it for a small amount of messages (< 1000), will not cost you anything. Check Billing/Payment in Confluent Cloud to see if there are charges being applied.
  1. Create flux source for your flux-demo-producer in your flux-demo-infra repo
  • cd <repo-home>/flux-demo-infra
  • flux create source git flux-demo-producer -n flux-system --url https://github.com/<github-username>/flux-demo-producer --branch main --interval 30s --export > ./clusters/my-cluster/flex-demo-producer-source.yaml
  • flux create kustomization flux-demo-producer --target-namespace=default --source=flux-demo-producer --path="./kustomize" --prune=true --interval=5m --export > ./clusters/my-cluster/flex-demo-producer-kustomization.yaml
  1. Commit and push changes to flux-demo-infra repo
  • git add . && git commit -m "bootstrap flux-demo-producer" && git push
  1. Verify gitrepo for flux-demo-producer created in flux-system namespace
  • % kubectl get gitrepo -n flux-system
      NAME                        URL                                                              READY   STATUS                                                            AGE
      flux-demo-ccloud-operator   https://github.com/mark-christiansen/flux-demo-ccloud-operator   True    Fetched revision: main/418eaaea0f7056fbb428b66f7b5faad3ef34f5bd   27m
      flux-demo-producer          https://github.com/mark-christiansen/flux-demo-producer          True    Fetched revision: main/0ca6156bc8489b69a9206afbb61fb5b5e65e1b65   27s
      flux-system                 https://github.com/mark-christiansen/flux-demo-infra.git         True    Fetched revision: main/e74e798ae5325b6ae1b77140acca130b4dd187ea   74m
  1. Verify kustomization for flux-demo-producer created
  • % flux get kustomizations --watch
      NAME       	            READY	MESSAGE                                                        	REVISION                                     	SUSPENDED
      flux-system	            True 	Applied revision: main/d59ad0ede4a7aaf05926c71880c18556f44a16bf	main/d59ad0ede4a7aaf05926c71880c18556f44a16bf	False
      ccloud-operator	        True	Applied revision: main/108c1cbfa7534989de7cced40cc320e4ecdae34e	main/108c1cbfa7534989de7cced40cc320e4ecdae34e	False
      flux-demo-producer	    True	Applied revision: main/0ca6156bc8489b69a9206afbb61fb5b5e65e1b65	main/0ca6156bc8489b69a9206afbb61fb5b5e65e1b65	False
  1. Verify flux-demo-producer pod running
  • % flux-demo-infra % kubectl -n default get pod
      NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      ccloud-operator-5b9778c577-q4zth      1/1     Running   0          5m48s
      flux-demo-producer-64587bbbf6-d6fjc   1/1     Running   1          49s
  1. The ccloud-operator should have created a service account with api-key. You won't see it in Confluent Cloud. You will have to verify with ccloud.
  • ccloud login (enter you email and password)
  • % ccloud service-account list
    Id       |        Name        |          Description
    389952   | global             | Global Service Account
    399327   | flux-demo-producer | Service account for Flux Demo
  • % flux-demo-infra % ccloud api-key list
           Key             |          Description           | Owner  |           Owner Email           | Resource Type | Resource ID |       Created
          AUKBHZPMIJDHA25X | cc.api-key.cloud               | 374465 | mark.christiansen@improving.com | cloud         |             | 2021-11-08T03:55:00Z
          ULS47SY6HHH3STPR | Created by ccloud-operator Mon | 399327 | <service account>               | kafka         | lkc-1pgrz   | 2021-11-15T04:23:30Z
                           | Nov 15 04:23:24 UTC 2021 for   |        |                                 |               |             |
                           | sa:flux-demo-producer          |        |                                 |               |             |
  1. The ccloud-operator should have also created three topics and ACLs.
  • % ccloud kafka topic list
  • % ccloud kafka acl list
      ServiceAccountId | Permission |    Operation     | Resource |      Name      |  Type
      User:389952      | ALLOW      | DESCRIBE         | CLUSTER  | kafka-cluster  | LITERAL
      User:394606      | ALLOW      | DESCRIBE         | CLUSTER  | kafka-cluster  | LITERAL
      User:389952      | ALLOW      | CLUSTER_ACTION   | CLUSTER  | kafka-cluster  | LITERAL
      User:389952      | ALLOW      | DESCRIBE_CONFIGS | CLUSTER  | kafka-cluster  | LITERAL
      User:399327      | ALLOW      | WRITE            | TOPIC    | source-topic-1 | LITERAL
      User:399327      | ALLOW      | WRITE            | TOPIC    | source-topic-2 | LITERAL
      User:399327      | ALLOW      | WRITE            | TOPIC    | source-topic-0 | LITERAL
  1. Verify the flux-demo-producer is producing messages to its three topics in Confluent Cloud.
  2. Scale down the flux-demo-producer or it will continue to restart and produce data to your topics.
  • kubectl -n default scale --replicas=0 deployment flux-demo-producer


To cleanup everything deployed in the previous steps follow these instructions.

  1. Delete the YAML files in repo-home/flux-demo-infra/clusters/my-cluster but not the flux-system folder and its contents.
  2. Commit and push the changes to the flux-demo-infra repo
  • git add . && git commit -m "remove ccloud-operator and flux-demo-producer" && git push
  1. Wait for the deployments and pods to disappear from namespace default
  2. Delete these secrets from namespace default
  • cc.api-key.cloud
  • cc.api-key.flux-demo-producer.<your-cluster>
  • cc.bootstrap-servers.default.devops-demo
  • cc.ccloud-secrets
  • cc.sasl-jaas-config.flux-demo-producer.default.devops-demo
  • cc.schema-registry-url.default
  1. Remove flux-system kustomization
  • flux delete kustomization flux-system
  1. Uninstall flux components from Kubernetes
  • flux uninstall -n flux-system

Known Issues

  1. The ccloud-operator does not seem to be able to startup in a non-default namespace. When installed in another namespace you will see Kubernetes authorization errors.