
Kafka Data Governance Application

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka Data Governance Demo


This is a demo project to demonstrate ways of identifying and collection PII violations by Kafka applications. PII data should not be stored in Kafka topics in clear text. One way of encrypting this data is to use the Confluent E2E Encryption Accelerator. It isn't enough to provide tools to developers to use, companies should be monitoring their data and enforcing the encryption of PII data in Kafka applications. That's one of the things this project is set out to demonstrate. This project contains the following applications:

  • Data Protection library that contains rules-based code used to detect plaintext PII data and Kafka interceptors
  • Data Protection Kafka Streams Application usd to monitor for plaintext PII data
  • Example Kafka Producer
  • Example Kafka Streams Application
  • Example Kafka Consumer
  • Platform folder with docker-compose file to launch Kafka and example applications


This project requires the following tools:

Build Project

Make sure that Maven is in your path and that docker is running. To build the project, go to the base directory and run mvn install. This will compile the Java classes for data-protection-streams, java-kafka-consumer, java-kafka-producer, and java-kafka-streams and create bootable jar files for each. Then it will generate docker images for each and push them to your local repo. The Dockerfile for each project is located in the base directory for each module.

To deploy the docker images to a remote repository, update the docker.registry and docker.image.registry in the base pom.xml of this project. The docker.registry is the URl of the remote repository and the docker.image.registry is the first part of the docker image names for your company (<registry>/<image-name>:<version).


Then go to the base directory and run mvn deploy -Ddocker.username=<username> -Ddocker.password=<password>. This will deploy your docker images to the docker registry specified by docker.registry as both linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 architectures.

Setup Project

Now that the Kafka clients are built and have docker images in your local repo, you can run an them all by going into the platform directory of this project and running the setup.sh script. This script will launch Zookeeper, Kafka brokers, and the Confluent Schema Registry. In addition, it will launch the data-protection-streams, java-kafka-consumer, java-kafka-producer, and java-kafka-streams applications will be launched and start processing messages as described below.

  1. java-kafka-producer will generate an Avro message and send it to the topic demo.customer every second. It will also send any PII violations to the topic demo.data.violation.
  2. java-kafka-streams will consume the message from the topic demo.customer and send it to the topic demo.transform.customer. It will also send any PII violations to the topic demo.data.violation.
  3. java-kafka-consumer will consume the message from the topic demo.transform.customer and print its contents to the console. It will also send any PII violations to the topic demo.data.violation.
  4. data-protection-streams will consume demo.customer and demo.transform.customer and send any PII violations to the topic demo.data.violation.monitor.

Data Violations

Kafka Producer/Consumer Interceptors

The example Kafka applications are configured to send data violations to demo.data.violation by using Consumer Interceptors and Producer Interceptors. These interceptors apply rules specified by Avro record and field names to each incoming produced or consumed record. These interceptors then send JSON messages to the configured topic demo.data.violation with details about the rule violated and the message (topic, partition, offset, client ID, group ID, timestamp). Lastly, the interceptors allow the message to be passed through. This solution has some advantages over other monitoring techniques.

  1. The monitoring is real-time. As violations occur a Kafka topic is notified.
  2. This solution has the ability to fix violations real-time by encrypting the data or stopping messages from being produced (using the Producer Interceptor).

The solution has the disadvantages listed below.

  1. Even with a Java agent forcing the consumer and producer interceptors to be set on clients, the developers need to make changes to their application deployment. This also means changes to the data protection rules means redeployment of the Kafka applications that are affected.
  2. This monitoring happens real-time in the Kafka pipeline, so naturally it will affect throughput and latency.
  3. For Kafka Streams applications, messages are consumed as byte arrays and then converted later in the topology into the objects specified by the serdes. To avoid converting the byte array twice into an Avro record one would be tempted to perform the rule check in the serde rather than the consumer interceptor. The problem with this approach is that you no longer have access to where the record came from (partition, offset) in the serde which you want to send to the data violation topic. Therefore, in the interceptors an optional conversion of byte arrays to Avro records is provided. This obviously will have an effect on throughput and latency, but is the only option for this approach. A more efficient approach would be to perform the rules violation check in the streams topology (such as demonstrated in data-protection-streams). This is very invasive to application code as opposed to consumer and producer interceptors though.

Independent Monitoring Application

Another approach to data violation monitoring is to have independent applications consuming data from topics and reporting any data violations to a topic. An example of this approach is shown in the data-protection-streams application. The advantages to this approach are listed below.

  1. This type of monitoring does not affect the throughput or latency of other Kafka applications except that it uses Kafka broker resources (indirect impact).
  2. This type of monitoring does not affect the deployment cycle of other Kafka applications.

The solution has the disadvantages listed below.

  1. The notification of data violations is technically not real-time. Although, if the consumers are scaled to keep up with all other Kafka applications it can get close.
  2. This solution requires all messages to be consumed twice, once by the actual Kafka applications using the data and once by the monitoring application. This means more resources to run the monitoring applications which may not be trivial depending on how "real-time" you need the monitoring to be and how much data is monitored. It also means more resources on the Kafka broker side (more consumers, consumer groups, etc).
  3. This solution provides no way to fix the data violation issues in real-time.

Data Violations Rules

Rule Configuration

Data violation rules are specified in the data-protection library (located in the data-protection folder under the base project folder). The rules are defined in the data-protection.yml in the data-protection/src/main/resources folder. Below is an example of this file.

  - record: "com.mycompany.kafka.model.Customer"
    field: "creditCardNumber"
    type: "pattern-match"
    regex: "^4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?$"
  - record: "com.mycompany.kafka.model.Customer"
    field: "firstName"
    type: "pattern-match"
    regex: "^M.*$"
  - record: "com.mycompany.kafka.model.Customer"
    field: "lastName"
    type: "proper-name-match"

Underneath the rules property is a list of rules which contain the following properties:

  • record: The full Avro record name (".")
  • field: The Avro field name which can be nested (ex: address.addressLine1 is the field address's field addressLine1)
  • type: The type of rule (only pattern-match and proper-name-match is currently supported)

Pattern Match Rule

The pattern-match rule also contains a regex property that is a regular expression that matches values that "violate" the rule. For instance, if first names that start with the letter M are rule violations you would set the property regex as ^M.*$.

The pattern-match rule can only be applied to certain Avro record field types. The field can be the following Avro Primitive Types:

  • string
  • bytes

The field can also be an array Avro Complex Type provided that its items are in primitive types listed above. Also, the field can be nested in a record Avro Complex Type provided that the nested field has a value matching the primitive types listed above.

Proper Name Match Rule

The proper-name-match rule matches values that resemble English proper names (first name, last name or full name). It only matches the value if the name is capitalized correctly. It will not detect names that are all lowercase or all uppercase. The English name model is the Open NLP Model named en-ner-person.bin which was downloaded from here.

The proper-name-match rule can only be applied to certain Avro record field types. The field can be the following Avro Primitive Types:

  • string
  • bytes

The field can also be an array Avro Complex Type provided that its items are in primitive types listed above. Also, the field can be nested in a record Avro Complex Type provided that the nested field has a value matching the primitive types listed above.