
A gathering place for Atom editor users to request features and developers to report on implementations.


Go straight to the wiki ...

What is this?

This repository exists to host a wiki for Atom editor users and developers. The wiki follows ideas from their conception to realization. Users can add ideas and developers can report on packages they are developing to implement those ideas. The wiki is public so anyone can edit it.

This wiki is not a place for users to find existing packages. The Atom editor already provides the definitive list of packages. This wiki should only be consulted when one is unable to find a feature they want.

What is in it?

The home page is an index with one line for each proposed feature or feature set. Each index link points to a page that has these sections ...

  • Feature Summary: One paragraph only.
  • Details Of Features: Include links to related posts on Atom.io discussion boards.
  • Notes: Such as any reason feature should not be implemented, like conflict with core future plans, or links to related feature pages.
  • One section for each project targeted to this feature ...
  • Link to github repo.
  • Details of implementation.
  • Target date, if any.
  • Technical challenges.

Note: It is highly encouraged to open a github project even before work is started. This documentation is valuable. Don't be embarrased if nothing comes of it.

How do I add a feature I want?

  • Make sure feature doesn't already exist. Search for packages with your feature inside the editor.

  • Make sure the feature isn't already in this wiki.

  • Create a new wiki page with a short descriptive title. Put at least a one-paragraph summary of the feature. Edit the home page and add a link to the end of the list. The line should look like this with Page Title replaced with your page title. The dash should be the first character on the line ...

    - [Page Title](wiki/Page Title)


  • The discussion board has many posts of users requesting features. These posts are often duplicated, disorganized, and forgotten.

  • Atom editor developers interested in getting started often ask for ideas.

  • Developers will work on a package only to find out that a package with similar features is in progress or already available.


The wiki will be moderated and contents may be edited for appearance or clarity.


Contact mark@hahnca.com or ask on atom.io discussion group.