
A sandtable project based on a corexy platform with an ESP32 controller running FluidNC


A sand table project based on a corexy platform with an ESP32 controller running FluidNC. I built this a year ago and figured maybe it's worth documenting while I remember some of the details. Of course this is inspired by the wonderful Sisyphus Table by B Shapiro

My table is based upon the STLs from the excellent Sand Table and documentation by Ravi Dudhagra.

I used printed the plastic bits in black ABS on my Tiny-M printer.

The table itself is a 1/2" of melamine coated MDF with a thin piece of white fabric to minimize noise with baking soda as the media. This is reasonably quiet when the steel ball is rolling over it (especially while moving slowly).

I used different software as I had a spare ESP32 based board by Bart Dring from his Tindie project Pen Plotter Controller Kit for ESP32 & TMC2130. The initial software for this board was esp32-grbl, but this was outdated and I instead used FluidNC.

The biggest benifit to FluidNC is that you use a pre-compiled one from the GitHub project and create a configuration file (config.yaml) that matches your hardware.

I used the following:

FW version: FluidNC v3.4.1
WebUI version: 2.1b72

Another great thing about FluidNC and the ESP32 controller is that it can be used over WiFi with a simple web browser.

Basic use:

-turn on the machine, bring up the Web GUI and home the machine
-optionally load up a new image to the SD card via the Web GUI
-use the Web GUI to draw an image

For the colored LEDs, I used an Arduino I had laying around running a repetative pattern that works well enough. A future upgrade could replace this with a WiFi based board.

This is all built into a 2'x2'x2' coffee table that I found on Craigslist for $25. I used black spray paint on the backside of the glass top to frame the area of the sandtable.

Other Useful Links/Inspiration:

Create Patterns at Sandify
Sand Table and documentation by Ravi Dudhagra
Sisyphus Table by Shapiro
Always Tinkering
ZenXY v2


I have the X dimension reversed and if I draw text it gets reversed. I've not bothered to figure out how to fix it as I really don't want to mess with what is working.

The LEDs are always running as the Arduino program is in a loop. Ideally, I'd put in a Web Controled LED program, but hey, don't mess with what's working.

One drawback of a non-circular sand table is that the patterns need to be scaled for the machine dimensions. With the Sisyphus round tables, all the patterns will work as they are based on a unit circle.

My Table Build/Images

Sample Image