Developed for a code test interview stage -
- ruby - I'm on 2.6.1 but nothing magic is going on
- rails - whichever ruby gems happen to be using right now...
- postgresql - I'm on 11.0 but nothing magic is in this repo
- a recent npm for installing angular2
- a passenger enabled nginx install:
then add the new executable path to the
$ gem install passenger $ passenger-install-nginx-module
script. - more automation req'd definitely
If you can get this working then good job because I have missed a bunch of stuff out here. This is a pet project for building whatever backends for an angular2+ frontend.
- in
needs to be the exact executable for passenger, not a shim. - don't run
, it builds an nginx, angular, rails app with devise_token_auth to start from scratch using thetemplates
The app is ready for development mode, not for any other environment.
- Run:
in the signagestore dir
$ bundle $ bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
- Run:
$ npm install $ ng build --optimize --aot
- To start run:
$ sudo ./engine start
- To stop run:
$ sudo ./engine stop