
Ruby gem to convert html into markdown

Primary LanguageRubyDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Transform html into markdown. Useful for example if you want to import html into your markdown based application.

Build Status Gem Version Code Climate Code Climate


See Change Log


  1. Nokogiri
  2. Ruby 1.9.3 or higher


Install the gem

[sudo] gem install reverse_markdown

or add it to your Gemfile

gem 'reverse_markdown'


  • Supports all the established html tags like h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, em, strong, i, b, blockquote, code, img, a, hr, li, ol, ul, table, tr, th, td, br
  • Module based - if you miss a tag, just add it
  • Can deal with nested lists
  • Inline and block code is supported
  • Supports blockquote



You can convert html content as string or Nokogiri document:

input  = '<strong>feelings</strong>'
result = ReverseMarkdown.convert input
result.inspect # " **feelings** "


It's also possible to convert html files to markdown using the binary:

$ reverse_markdown file.html > file.md
$ cat file.html | reverse_markdown > file.md


The following options are available:

  • unknown_tags (default pass_through) - how to handle unknown tags. Valid options are:
    • pass_through - Include the unknown tag completely into the result
    • drop - Drop the unknown tag and its content
    • bypass - Ignore the unknown tag but try to convert its content
    • raise - Raise an error to let you know
  • github_flavored (default false) - use github flavored markdown (yet only code blocks are supported)

As options

Just pass your chosen configuration options in after the input

ReverseMarkdown.convert(input, unknown_tags: :raise, github_flavored: true)


Or configure it block style on a initializer level

ReverseMarkdown.config do |config|
  config.unknown_tags     = :bypass
  config.github_flavored  = true

Related stuff


..to Ben Woosley for his improvements to the first version.

..to Harlan T. Wood for his help with the newer versions.

..and all contributors