I've seen The Wall, installed Linux from a floppy disk, and survived Y2K.
Germany, European Union
mark-kubacki's Following
- 0xC0ncord
- acln0Sibiu, Romania
- allprodSmart Zambia Institute
- atarli1234
- chophshiyNew Mexico, USA
- colatkinsonNew York, NY
- eliaspAdvantest Europe GmbH
- Fadi88@mercedes-benz
- fwojciecAcuityMD
- janit@malloc-fi
- jhillyerd@deepgram
- mattgodboltAquatic Capital Management
- netspooky
- nikolay@withcodery
- pngowda
- pwallerManchester, UK
- rmhriskPeculiar Ventures
- SaveTheRbtz@onflow
- SchumacherFMMagazine zum Globus AG
- sebastianlipponer@mercedes-benz
- tfoehrTübingen | Munich
- TWilmer
- webhat@SpecialBrands, @Oplerno
- weingart
- wendigo@trinodb @starburstdata
- WojciechMulaPoland