
LeetCode tasks for Yandex

Status # Title Difficulty Solution
228 summary ranges Easy here
443 string compression Medium here
206 reverse linked list Easy here
22 generate parentheses Medium here
146 lru cache Medium here
283 move zeroes Easy here
125 valid palindrome Easy here
49 group anagrams Medium here
1493 longest subarray Medium here
20 valid parentheses Easy here
560 subarray sum equals k Medium here
380 insert delete getrandom o1 Medium here
1 two sum Easy here
23 merge k sorted lists Hard here
567 permutation in string Medium here
56 merge intervals Medium here
933 number of recent calls Easy here
98 validate binary search tree Medium here
232 implement queue using stacks Easy here
59 spiral matrix ii Medium here
1004 max consecutive ones iii Medium here
42 trapping rain water Hard here
3 longest substring without repeating characters Medium here
2 add two numbers Medium here
21 merge two sorted lists Easy here
88 merge sorted array Easy here
101 symmetric tree Easy here
268 missing number Easy here
48 rotate image Medium here
5 longest palindromic substring Medium here
332 reconstruct itinerary Medium here
658 find k closest elements Medium here
200 number of islands Medium here
392 is subsequence Easy here
849 maximize distance to closest person Medium here
4 median of two sorted arrays Hard here
974 subarray sums divisible by k Medium here
33 search in rotated sorted array Medium here
449 serialize and deserialize bst Medium here
977 squares of a sorted array Easy here
350 intersection of two arrays ii Easy here
19 remove nth node from end of list Medium here
85 maximal rectangle Hard here
34 find first and last position of element in sorted array Medium here
150 evaluate reverse polish notation Medium here
279 perfect squares Medium here
28 implement strstr Easy here
238 product of array except self Medium here
71 simplify path Medium here
234 palindrome linked list Easy here

LeetCode tasks for practice

Status # Title Difficulty Solution
7 Reverse Integer Easy here