
playground for coming up with ideas for this new project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Make sure your mongod server is running befor you start the application

if on mac and global mongo is not running unless in sudo mode

sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db

On windows and having trouble? Your going to have to use google, Sorry.

To run this file.

npm install or yarn install

cd client

npm install or yarn install

cd ../

npm run dev

There are two routes set up in the Index.js File of the root project directory.

  1. localhost:3000/

  2. localhost:3000/todos

Both routes have Actions and Reducers wired Up Through Redux

In Models There is a /index.js file with db connection configurations

also there is a model for todos

in routes we have routes with short hand crud definitions

In helpers we have the route callback functions.

middlewares is where our middlewares will go Like authentication checking

In Client/

in src/Components we have App Test and Todos for Components.

In components/App we have our Browser Router with Front end Routing

in our Client/src/index we have our call to ReactDOM.render() and Our Provider wrapper for Redux Store.

We created our Store in the client/src/index and tied in our middlewares like redux-flux. We also imported our global materailize css.

Keep up with Project Changes In PROJECT_OVERVIEW.md

Example of Using HTML in md (markDown) files.

  • ListTag