Project Scope:

Create a PostgreSQL database using Hibernate and expose it through a deployed Web API. Follow the guidelines given below, feel free to expand on the functionality. It must meet the minimum requirements prescribed

Introduction and overview: You have been tasked with creating a datastore and interface to store and manipulate movie characters. It may be expanded over time to include other digital media, but for now, stick to movies. The application should be constructed in Spring Web and comprise of a database made in PostgreSQL through Hibernate with a RESTful API to allow users to manipulate the data. The database will store information about characters, movies they appear in, and the franchises these movies belong to. This should be able to be expanded on.

Project Stack:

Springboot + Maven is used to build this project.

Project Dependencies:

  1. JPA/Hibernate (As an ORM tool to interact with database)
  2. Lombok (for removing the boilerplate code of getters, setters, and constructors kind of stuff)
  3. PostgresSQL (for the connection with database)
  4. MapStruct (For mapping the DTO's to model classes and model classes to dto's)

Project Requirements:

  1. Intellij Ultimate
  2. Postgres and PgAdmin
  3. Java 14
  4. Postgres SQL driver dependency

Database ERD

ERD Diagram


George Markozanis -

Christos Vlachos -