
:sparkles: Magical Action Types (for Flux, Redux, etc)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

✨ Magical ✨ Action Types (for Flux, Redux, etc)

But why tho?

This is annoying.

const INCREMENT = 'app/counter/INCREMENT'
const DECREMENT = 'app/counter/DECREMENT'

This is weird.

const types = keyMirror({
  INCREMENT: null,
  DECREMENT: null,

But this is ✨ magical ✨

const { INCREMENT, DECREMENT } = types('app/counter')


npm install magic-action-types

Use object destructuring to simplify your action type definitions.

import types from 'magic-action-types'

const { INCREMENT, DECREMENT } = types()

Pass a namespace to the types function.

const { INCREMENT, DECREMENT } = types('app/counter')
// INCREMENT === "app/counter/INCREMENT"
// DECREMENT === "app/counter/DECREMENT"

Go ahead, save your namespace too.

const counterTypes = types('app/counter')

const { INCREMENT, DECREMENT } = counterTypes
// INCREMENT === "app/counter/INCREMENT"
// DECREMENT === "app/counter/DECREMENT"